One fitu new in ArcGIS 10 is the ability to insert files (attachments) into the layer. With attachments, the user can add information related to that layer. Attachments almost similar to hyperlinks, but the user can insert more than one file (various types of file formats) into a geodatabase layer.
Files that are used as inserts (attachments) are stored in the geodatabase, and the file can be displayed in several ways, according to the file format that has been inserted, can also be opened via the web applications, ArcGIS Explorer, or ArcReader.
Link between layers (feature classes) and files that are inserted using a relationship class, so the ability to insert files or edit them only in ArcEditor or ArcInfo license. While ArcView license can only be used to display any attachments.
Here is a summary of the steps to activate the attachments feature in ArcGIS 10, add / edit the file to be inserted and how to display it.
(There are also mini-tutorial in PDF format full screenshot. Download link available at the end of this post)
Attachments feature is enabled via the Catalog window (ArcCatalog). The trick right-click the feature class, select Attachments -> Create Attachments. Drag the result into the ArcMap display.
Next right click on feature classes in the TOC, select Edit Features -> Start Editing.
Then by using the arrows on the toolbar Edit Tool, select an individual feature that you want to paste the file into it, then right click select Attributes.
Select Open Attachment Manager. In the Attachment Manager window that opens, click Add, browse to the location of the file you want to insert into the layer.
To display the results, simply click the individual and use features earlier Identify button. To open the file, double click on the attachment.
You can also display the results of these attachments in HTML Pop-up, by first doing a little feature settings in the Properties class. The trick, right-click the feature class, select Properties. Layer Properties from the open, move it to the HTML Pop-up tab. Perform the settings and then click Verify. Click Apply and then click OK. The result can be viewed using the HTML popup button as shown in the picture above this post.
Attachments are stored in the geodatabase, so you can divide the geodatabase to others or made a package using a toolbar folder to be opened in ArcReader Publisher automatically file attachments that are already included in it.