China ready to launch the space shuttle

Launch of unmanned aircraft are part of China's space ambitions

China says it will launch an unmanned spacecraft on Tuesday (11/01) to be docked into a capsule that has been orbiting the Earth.

The rocket carrying the Shenzhou 8 will be launched Tuesday morning from the Gobi Desert and the capsule sealed with Tiangong 1.

Space capsule was launched late last September and has been in his position.

The launch of this unmanned aircraft in an effort to build a space station in 2020.

Shenzhou 8 will be launched from the Jiuquan Satellite Center in Gansu province at 05:58 local time.

Efforts to unite space capsule will also be carried out next year and one of them manned missions.

The move brings together these capsules occurred about 343 miles above Earth's surface, two days after launch.

The main runway
Astronaut, or taikonot in Chinese, has been trained for this mission, according to a spokesman of China's space program Ping Wu.

China plans to build and launch a space station at the end of this decade and do the mission confront capsule as part of this process.

Space station is one of China's ambitious plans.

"Technology is the bedrock of the capsule dock to the space station and exploration in space," said Zhou Jianping, designer of China's space program, as quoted by Xinhua news agency.

China's first manned space mission launched in 2003 and perform the way first in space three years ago.

"The new knowledge through space research will benefit the whole world," said Zhou.

The foreign observers invited to the launch Shenzou 8.

China led to a number of parties concerned in 2007 when destroying a defunct satellites by firing rockets into the satellite.


National Disaster Management Agency (BNPB) has released a map of the distribution of CO2 gas in the Dieng volcanic complex. Dieng current status was raised to ALERT (Level 3) by the geology from the date of May 29, 2011 at 20:45 pm.

In the distribution maps of CO2 gas in the Dieng volcanic complex, there is an explanation of the Dieng volcanic complex geology, the history of eruptions, including an explanation of the mapping and measurement of gas that have been done in the period 2000 to 2007 in the area surrounding volcanic and non volcanic craters along fracture and fault zones.
BNPB also has released a Disaster Prone Area Map around Crater Weigh. The area is included in the most dangerous areas within a radius of 1 km around the crater.

Dieng Plateau is well known as natural tourism area, the geology is a complex of old volcanic mountain type strato, with solfatara and fumarola field, as well as many craters (cones). The names of the crater are: Weigh, Sikidang, Upas, Sileri, Condrodimuko, Sibanteng and Telogo Continues. In 1979 recorded history, occurred in the crater Sinila eruptions that produce various types of gases, especially CO2. The high accumulation of CO2 when it caused 142 residents of the area around the eruption died a victim of a toxic gas that is invisible and colorless. The only way to avoid the danger of CO2 gas is away from the area suspected to generate the gas to find more fresh air.


This post I will provide GPS Map which can be downloaded for free for you GPS users. GPS Map are available today are Java, Bali Road Map Route. Hopefully next time I can provide maps of other areas, especially outside Java. Of course that can be downloaded for free.

But if you're impatient, can download a map of Indonesia cGPSMapper other on his website. Read my previous post Download Free In Garmin GPS Map. And like the last post, the GPS Map Java Bali I provided for download is a file for GPS Garmin IMG format. Download link provided below.
Download Java GPS Map Bali


The first post in August 2009, I want to show you how to download maps from Google Maps using the Firefox browser.

The map obtained can be very wide coverage area. The whole map of the city of Bandung on Google Maps can be downloaded with a single process! Step by step I make the download process in a mini-tutorial ebook format with 8-page PDF that you can get for free.
The word "download" is probably not the right word for this process. The word "capture" or record the Firefox browser screen display may be more appropriate, because it did capture the actual process maps from Google Maps. For that title ebooknya Record Map from Google Maps and not Download Maps from Google Maps. Why must use the Firefox browser? Since there's an add on for Firefox that has the ability to record the whole page in the browser screen. With this add on you can record the entire look of your favorite websites from the header to the footer as well. Add on is named Screengrab which can be obtained at this link.

The core of the work process download maps from Google Maps this is the time to customize the size of the map that you want to paste the web page. How, on Google Maps click on sponsored links at the top right map view, then click on "Customize and preview embedded map". In the open window that you can customize the size of the map you want to display, to later retrieve (copy) the script that is at the very bottom of the window. The script is then saved as a html file, that can be opened with the Firefox browser. Then by using the Screengrab, save the map as a PNG or JPG file. More please download ebooknya through the link provided at the end of this post.

Regarding Disaster Exhibition at IDEC 2011

coordinating Ministry for People's Welfare and the National Disaster Management Agency in cooperation with PT Relatives Dyan Main Exhibition held Indonesia Disaster Preparedness, Response, Recovery Expo and Conference (IDEC) on 27 to 30 October 2011, at JIExpo Kemayoran Jakarta.

IDEC is part of a series of activities that support the national preparedness in disaster risk reduction, the theme of this event is "Preparedness and Disaster Risk Reduction (Disaster Preparedness and Disaster Risk Reduction)".

This activity is to provide important information regarding the understanding of disasters, such as what to do when a disaster occurs, measures to survive after the disaster, efforts to reduce casualties and losses, the detection potential for disaster, rescue disaster victims, return of the affected area to its original condition and use of resources more efficiently and effectively.

At this event there is a lot of talk show activities, such as Disaster Simulation, Aceh Disaster Prone Map, Fire Protection, Disaster Information Collection, Monitoring and Security System Inspection and Detection System.

In addition there are also many conversion activities and international workshops, such as the International Workshop on Project Multi-disciplinary Hazard Reduction from Earthquakes and Volcanoes in Indonesia, Disaster Management and Climate Change Conference, Internation Workshop on Disaster Risk Management and Integration Workshop on Climate Change Adaptation and Disaster Management Strategy .

Konverensi and workshop participants are the experts and observers also catastrophic both from within and abroad.

IDEC The exhibition was attended by over 100 participants consisting of government agencies, institutions and industry players are also the products of the disaster at home and abroad.

Through this exhibition IDEC is expected that all stakeholders associated with disaster, participate in improving the public's knowledge in disaster management.

Google Person Finder: Google Search Missing Persons Service

Along with the development of technology, many benefits that we can feel. The technology can be used for various purposes, mainly to help our activities in the midst of busy work and social life of our day-to-day. There are also services that can help us in various ways, for example, is Google's Person Finder to find the person we're looking for.

As we have seen, some time ago there was a massive earthquake that shocked Turkey. Reportedly there are a lot of casualties and wounded, and missing a lot of people who until now still sought. Search is performed either manually or by means of appropriate technology, it's Google's turn to Google's Person Finder service that we can use for free.

Google Person Finder service is a form of caring Google to help us find the person we're looking through the information available. How to use it is to open the Google site in Person Finder. because while this is happening earthquake in Turkey, then the option is available only Turkey region.

Then we click on the turkey-2011, the next step will be appear like this:

If we want to find people who we have not discovered, we can click the words "I'm looking for someone" in the green column. Then will appear the next step, namely the search for people by name.

Then we can enter the name of the person being we want to find. For example is "Alex", we type the word "Alex" and then click "Search for this person".

Based on the search for the name "Alex" is available 1 data, that someone named "Alex Lilly (Alexandra)" yag reported missing. Then we can see the full data by logging in and accessing the data, just click its name is.
The result is a specification of a complete data about the person named Alex. It turns out that Alex's full name is Alex Lilly (Alexandra) is a 20-22 year old girl with short hair with a British accent. The girl was reported missing and being sought by a man named Alexander Whitlock who may have relatives or friends with a girl. Hopefully they can find it and we hope the person they were looking for can be met.

That is a free service provided by Google to help us. Thank you Google, hopefully a lot of people who can reunite with their families thanks to this Google Person Finder.


One of the new fitu in ArcGIS 10 is the ability to insert files (attachments) into the layer. With attachments, the user can add information pertaining to that layer. Attachments almost similar to hyperlinks, but the user can insert more than one file (various types of file formats) into a geodatabase layer.

Files that are used as inserts (attachments) are stored in the geodatabase, and the file can be displayed in several ways, according to the file format that has been inserted, can also be opened via the web applications, ArcGIS Explorer or ArcReader.
Links between the layers (feature classes) and files that are inserted using a relationship class, so the ability to insert a file or edit it only in ArcEditor or ArcInfo license. While ArcView license can only be used to display the attachments only.
Here is a summary of steps to enable the attachments feature in ArcGIS 10, add / edit the file to be inserted and how to display them.
(There are also mini-tutorial in PDF format full screenshot. Download link available at the end of this post)
Attachments feature is enabled through the Catalog window (ArcCatalog). The trick right click feature class, select Attachments -> Create Attachments. Drag the result into the ArcMap display.
Next right click on the feature class in the TOC, select Edit Features -> Start Editing.
Then by using the arrows on the toolbar Edit Tool, select an individual feature you want to paste the file into it, then right click select Attributes.
Select Open Attachment Manager. In the Attachment Manager window that opens, click Add, browse to the location of the file you want to insert into the layer.

To display the results, simply click on individual and last feature using Identify button. To open the file, double click on the file attachment.

You can also display the results in the form of HTML attachments Pop ups, by first doing a little feature settings in the properties class. The trick, right-click the feature class, select Properties. Layer Properties from the open, move it to the HTML tab Pop-up. Perform the settings and then click Verify. Click Apply then click OK. The result can be viewed using the HTML Popup button as shown in the picture at the top of this post.
Attachments are stored in the geodatabase, geodatabase so you can share to others or made a package using the toolbar folder opened in ArcReader Publisher to automatically file attachments that are already included in it.

MEMBANGUAN geodatabase in ArcGIS 10

Mini tutorial ArcGIS is a continuation of my previous post about the introduction geodatabase. In this post made by Irwan, ST as a guest writer on this shown how to build a geodatabase in ArcGIS 10.

Here are the stages of building a geodatabase in ArcGIS 10:
Creating a Geodatabase.
Open ArcCatalog and then on the right-click on the folder that we specify and select New-> File Geodatabase or Personal Database.

It will show the New File Geodatabase.

Rename the appropriate geodatabase name you want. In this tutorial I geodatabase named with the name of Ternate, because I will try to create a geodatabase for the island of Ternate.

The next step makes the geodatabase feature datasets that have been made previously (Ternate.gdb) right click -> New -> Feature Dataset. Fill in the name of the feature dataset and specify the coordinate system.

For the Z coordinate system, select None unless you want to create a 3D map with the geodatabase, while the default XY tolerance for it.

After the feature dataset is completed, then began making feature class in the form of point, polyline, and polygon. Right-click on the Feature Dataset -> New -> Feature Class.

Fill in the name and alias and select the type of feature (point, polyline or polygon). If the output maps or data that you want a 3D map and route or you will analyze the use of network analysis, then check the values ​​M and Z values ​​as in the figure indicated by a red box above.

To create a feature class to another, do the stages as shown above. In the same way as digitized on a shapefile. Click Editor -> Start Editing, you can start the digitization as an example the figure below.

Imported into a Geodatabase feature class
In addition to making feature classes You can also import a shapefile feature class either, or other tables into the geodatabase.

I demonstrated making a new geodatabase with the name "Infrastruktur.gdb" and add the data to be imported.
I accidentally create a new geodatabase to show whether the geodatabase feature dataset can have if the data that we manage a little and does not require grouping of population data.

In the geodatabase (infrastruktur.gdb) right click -> Import -> Feature Class Multiple (if the data you want to import more than one).
Click open the data and select the data you want to import into the geodatabase and then click OK and wait for the process is complete.

In addition to Google Earth and Bing Maps now comes Marble

In addition to Google Earth and Bing Maps now comes Marble, a virtual globe application for free as an alternative for users of Linux, Windows and Mac OS. For users of Linux, open source applications are coming along with the KDE desktop, though it can also be run in GNOME.

Marble like Google Earth and Maps Bing, also can display satellite imagery, satellite imagery is available as well as night visual, map of ancient globe in 1689, temperature and precipitation information. Even the available display the Moon, Venus and Mars.

Marble is able to display data from OpenStreetMap and Google Earth KML file open maps and GPS data GPX data file. Marble can also view an image similar to the Panoramio layer in Google Earth, find the coordinates with the different projection systems and available Map Creation Wizard and Folder Sharing and measure the distance between one location to another.
Here's a video that presented the ability of Marble

You can download Marble which supports various operating systems from the developer website via the link below:
Download Virtual Globe Marble

Simoncelli HELMET USED

"I express my sympathy to the family. We will show us any respect to him (Simoncelli), "said race director Paul Butler. He added will soon be seeking answers to melangkapi report medical team.
Meanwhile, analysts questioned the motorsport just about helmet safety standards that are used Simoncelli. The public is also asked why the class brands AGV helmet worn Italian rider was easily detached.
Motorsport circulating among analysts claim that the hair thick and curly Simoncelli has led to the contour of the inside of the helmet was not optimal. Ergonomic side of a helmet should be maximum if the rider's hair thin.
Another question that also can not be answered AGV is about the extent to which the function applies maximum strap on a helmet Simoncelli. It is very difficult to guess that the straps cut off just like that. Moreover, the material for making rope helmets are generally very strong.
Alleged large hook helmet straps apart due to the hard earned genturan Simoncelli. This resulted in the risk of fatal for 24-year-old penalap. Even so, this revelation has not been proven.
According to reports Macchiagodena, Simoncelli has experienced great trauma in the palm, in the neck, and chest. "He has received a hard blow when the race."
He added that the medical side has to give CPR in the ambulance service to save lives Simoncelli. But after 45 minutes at the medical center, Simoncelli's life ended up going.
AGV Helmets Simoncelli

Simoncelli known to have received sponsorship from manufacturers of brand AGV helmet for MotorGP. Italian manufacturers also provide a special helmet from the base model of the Ti-Tech Evolution.
As widely used MotoGP rider, helmets specially designed for Simoncelli so as to adjust the contour of her head. The entire helmet is worn rider MotorGP, including those used Simoncelli, also approved authority FIM motor racing world.
Indeed, no helmets for motorcycle riders as strong as that worn by MotoGP. Especially for Simoncelli, for example, the AGV has designed with high technology uses a special cell tissue SSL (Super-Super-Light).
Materials are sourced from carbon kevlar construction is lightweight and is known to have high strength. Meanwhile, the inside of the helmet (padding) is also specially formulated with the network fabric cool wax and neckroll. Even the strap hook systems come with special designed XQRS Shield Mechanism (Extra Quick Release System).
To note, a replica AGV GP Tech heln very similar to the proprietary Simoncelli sold quite expensive, which is about USD 6.5 million


Have some competence or expertise in programming has become an important requirement for working in the field of geospatial technology. Even specifically some GIS job requires programming expertise as one of the conditions. The majority of the GIS analyst positions require some level of expertise in the development and application programs. So what programming language should you learn to compete within the scope of geospatial technology work?

Python is a popular scripting language among GIS software, especially for those who want to work with ESRI desktop products. Learning Python scripting is a way to understand and create a variety of tools within the ArcGIS framework for ease of analysis.

C # is a programming language suggested a relatively easy and intuitive to learn. Learning. NET will also allow you to be able to make customization in ArcGIS. VBA programming language will no longer support the ArcGIS 10. For it to users who have built custom function using VBA, should plan a strategy to rewrite their applications using supported development languages ​​such as Python, VB.NET, or C # so that they are operational and applications continue to be supported in future releases of ArcGIS.
For web-based application development, learning HTML, javascript, and CSS as the basis. Java, PHP, and ASP.NET is an additional programming language for web development is more advanced.
The question is, should I start? Learning the basic concepts of programming is very important. From there, move to a specific programming language. Here is a guide to finding resources on the internet and books to help you learn programming.
The Basics
How to Design Programs: An Introduction to Programming and Computing
Required reading for beginners who want to learn programming. September 2003 edition can be accessed free of charge.
C + +
Object-Oriented Programming with C + +
Free online courseware (Lectures and tutorials) from the University of Southern Queensland's OpenCourseWare (USQ OCW).
Python (also see Python and GIS for more resources)
Beginner's Guide to Python
Free, online resource to learning Python.
Google's Python Class
Free class from Google to learn Python.
Python for Software Design: How to Think Like a Computer Scientist
Book which provides a brief introduction to design software using Python. This book is the latest version of How to Think Like a Computer Scientist: Learning with Python which can be downloaded free of charge
Geoprocessing with Python using the Open Source GIS
Structured course outline by Chris Garrard of Utah State University with links to open source software, course slides, and data.
Getting to know ArcObjects: Programming ArcGIS with VBA
Book by Robert Burke who gives a basic overview of ArcObjects programming and programming within the Microsoft Visual Basic for Applications (VBA)
GIS Programming Makes You Lazy
The site provides a tutorial and overview the concept of Objects, Classes, and Interfaces, VBA, and ArcObjects.
May be useful


Ocean Engineering released a demo version of GIS software to perform geospatial data visualization platform 3D/4D data including imagery, terrain, elevation, lidar, and volumetric flow data called Makai Voyager. This software can be run on Windows, Mac OSX, or Linux.

Unlike other GIS software, Voyager was built specifically for geospatial data visualization and analysis of highly complex three-dimensional, but still setting in GIS projections. One of them is the ability to process and visualize LIDAR data that has a number of 3D points to near the billions.

Voyager supports 18 GIS format. Geospatial data that would be visualized in 3D using the Voyager must first convert to the format *. Savoy except GeoTiff and Web Map Service. Users can divide the 3D/4D data visualization in the format *. The Savoy to other users using the free Makai Voyager Viewer.

You can go to the gallery pages are available to see Voyager's ability to process imagery data, GIS data, and volumetric flow data in a platform both in 3D (x, y, z) or 4D (3D, units of time). You can also download the sample scene data to be displayed in Voyager on this page. Here is a video showing Voyager's ability to visualize LIDAR data.


EMAP International and Par Government released VectorLock, security system for the first time, especially geospatial data shapefile. VectorLock is the extension for ArcGIS 9.3 or 10, which allows you or your company to protect and control access to geospatial data from the whole use of data both internally and externally when sharing data.
VectorLock ensure the highest possible level of security. Shapefile data secured and distributed to users through a proprietary encrypted format that looks like a regular shapefile data when added to the ArcGIS. You have the authority to set the time how long the shapefile data can be accessed by clients or partners. If you have set time is exceeded, an automatic data could not be accessed again by clients or partners.

VektorLock available in three versions, Standard (free), Advanced (free) and Admin. Standard version is used to invoke and display VectorLock files, including changing the symbology. Dementara for the Advanced version, in addition to having the capability standard version, this version is available Editor toolbar. For the Admin version, there is full functionality to make VectorLock VectorLock files and unlock files.


operational tips CAD software, but this time I just want to share tips for users of Civil 3D 2012, namely how to create a surface from GIS data. Civil 3D 2012 is the latest release of Autodesk.

AutoCAD Civil 3D 2012 allows to directly connect to the storage of GIS data and GIS data import, whether it's contour line (polyline) and a data collection point. How to make the surface of the GIS data, using the Surface menu -> Create Surface from GIS data (see figure above).
The next window will appear wizards to do some settings to get the display surface in Civil 3D 2012.Pengaturan starts from the Object Type Options -> Connect to Data -> Schema and Coordinates -> Geospatial Query -> Data Mapping


Alleged that the iPhones / iPad has been tracking and recording the location-based data on mobile devices has been denied by Apple. Bitten apple logo company stated that it was just a bug that occurs in the location-based software that has been storing the user's location without ever automatically delete them after so long. So how do you actually know the location of the iPhone?

iPhone and iPad also has embedded technology Assisted-Global Positioning System (A-GPS) which is a refinement of GPS as a positioning satellites in the hemisphere. Advanced Positioning methods contained in A-GPS is a method of determining the most high-accuracy position detection method compared to other positions. so that A-GPS is much more efficient and effective in accessing information from the satellite because it does not need to search the data one by one from the existing 24 satellites, but A-GPS already know the target (satellite) where required or intended. Furthermore, A-GPS is a service that combines GPS systems and services GSM (Global System for Mobile Communications).

Apple and Google also through its Android also uses Wi-Fi positioning technology. This technology is the answer to a better location accuracy in urban and indoor areas, because the tall buildings and the roof of the building to get a transmission blocking GPS satellite, thus reducing the accuracy and speed of determination of the location. As is known, the GPS takes up about 10-15 minutes to get satellite transmission at the first GPS enabled, and even then depending on its location, whether in open areas or not.
Wi-Fi positioning technology will work in a way to login to the points Wi-Fi hotspots and cell phone tower near the gadget itself. For information, cell phone towers and Wi-Fi access point has a geographical location in the device when installed. The page on Wikipedia here may give an idea of ​​how the technology Wi-Fi or Wi-Fi positioning trilateration.
Apple has been using Wi-Fi positioning technology that began to be used in IOS 4 of the companies that already have a database of Wi-Fi access points worldwide, Skyhook [].

With one or both of these technologies, the location of iPhone users / iPad quickly and accurately can know its position every time you open the Maps application which is marked with blue circles. When the circle appears large, the actual GPS / A-GPS is working and collecting other sources, either from the mobile phone towers and Wi-Fi hotspots to get the most precise location. When the site is believed by the software as an appropriate location, bright blue color with small size indicates the exact location.

GIS Day 2011 Fall on Day Wednesday, November 16th

GIS Day 2011 Fall on Day Wednesday, November 16th!
For those of you The teacher / student who wanted to test how good your skills, especially in the field of Geographic Information Systems, do not miss this opportunity. Yes, Urisa (The association for GIS professionals) as a leader in education, training, and GIS applications, providing the

opportunity for you to follow a poster contest in the framework of GIS Day. For those of you who are interested to participate please visit: Info@Urisa.Org. And that is not less interesting, Urisa also gave awards to the winners in the framework of GIS Day poster is. Do not miss the opportunity to join ini.Segeralah award from URISA membership.