ArcGIS Online has updated SEA DEPTH MAP

Basemap Ocean Service map or depth map contained in ArcGIS Online has been updated to include the General Bathymetric Chart of the Oceans GEBCO_08 grid and high-resolution bathymetry data from the

National Oceanic and Atmospheric adminstration (NOAA) National Geophysical Data Center (NGDC) specifically for the region the United States. Land area has also been updated using data from DeLorme.


ESRI ArcPad has just released the latest version 10.0.3. It provides the latest ArcPad customization using Python scripting features in ArcPad Studio or any other script editor. In addition there is an increase in the ease of access to geographic data.

ArcPad AXF Reader makes it easy to import AXF feature layers into a more compatible format using FME Extension for ArcGIS. 10.0.3 ArcPad Street Map is also included data sets from TomTom for North America region of Europe.

MapInfo Professional version 10

MapInfo Professional version 10 will be released around June this year. The company provides software maker leaked information about the latest features of these 10 MapInfo. Latest version of

MapInfo will support data access, including to support access to PostGIS. MI Pro has previously been supporting access to Microsoft SQL Server 2008. Let's wait the release of MapInfo Professional version 10 is

MapInfo to Google Earth

MapInfo to Google Earth was much sought after by visitors who 'strayed' into this blog. Most of them by serch engines on posting tutorials direct to MapInfo or to Shapefile to KML. Finally I was trying to find a freeware tool that can convert MapInfo files to Google Earth Files (KML).
These tools MapInfo2Google named by its maker is capable of doing the conversion of one or more

layer objects visible in the windows folder on MapInfo to Google Earth KML file is. This program requires no setup, just download the file and then unzip in any directory. Download link at the bottom of this post. This program is Mapbasic executable (Mapinfo2Google.MBX) that can be executed via the 'Run Mapbasic' command in MapInfo or add the tools menu using the Tools Manager. Google Earth did not have to be installed on computers that use this Mapinfo2Google program.