Map and street Trans JOgja

Map Trans JOgja

 Trans Jogja is one of the alternative public transport which is very popular among maysrakat Jogja. For students who have long or just stay in Jogja is quite affordable mode of transportation for students pocket. With the price of a single fare ticket Rp.3000 Transjogja offering cheap transportation convenience with no record of all the places we are close to the boarding Transjogja stop. Please check or donwload any path through the area where you live
Line 1 A Prambanan Airport Adisutjipto Jackie Flyover Ambarrukmo Plaza UIN Sunan Kalijaga Saphir Square Cinema XXI, Jl. Solo Bethesda Hospital, Scholastic Book Store, Hotel Novotel Hotel Santika, Pizza Hut Webcam Office of the People's Sovereignty Jogjakarta Tugu Station Jalan Malioboro (there are 3 pieces stops) Post Office, the Palace, North Square, Monument March 1, Vredeburg Taman Pintar, State Bank parking Indonesia, Market Beringhardjo, Gondomanan Market Sentul (Jl. State Students) Parks Eating Heroes Kusumanegara Hall Jogjakarta Excited Loka Zoo Jogja Expo Center Jackie Bridges (back toward Kalasan, Adisutjipto Airport to Terminal Prambanan)  Trans Jogja Line 1B Terminal Prambanan Kalasan Adisucipto Airport Maguwoharjo Jackie (passed down) Block O JEC Babadan Gedongkuning Excited Loka SGM Sentul market Gondomanan Post Office RS.PKU Muhammadiyah Flower Market Badran Roundabout SAMSAT Pingit Monument Scholastic UGM roundabout Colombo Demangan UIN Sunan Kalijaga Jackie Maguwoharjo Bandra Adisucipto Kalasan Terminal Prambanan. Trans Jogja Line 2A Terminal Mount Wilson Monjali Monument Tugu Station Malioboro Post Office Gondomanan Jokteng Wetan Tungkak Gambiran Basen Rejowinangun Babadan Gedongkuning Excited Loka SGM Sandalwood Mandala Krida Gayam Flyover Lempuyangan Kridosono Ambassador Discourse Galeria Scholastic UGM roundabout Colombo Terminal Condongcatur Kentungan Monjali Terminal Mount Wilson Trans Jogja Line 2B Terminal Mount Wilson Monjali Kentungan Lean Terminal Chess Colombo UGM roundabout Scholastic Kridosono Ambassador Discourse Fly-over Lempuyangan Gayam Mandala Krida Sandalwood SGM Gembiraloka Babadan Gedongkuning Rejowinangun Basen Tungkak Joktengwetan Gondomanan Post Office PKU Muhammadiyah Hospital Ngabean Wirobrajan CPC Badran Roundabout SAMSAT Pingit Monument Monjali Terminal Mount Wilson. Trans Jogja 3A Line Terminal Giwangan Tegalgendu HS-Silver Jl. Nyi Pembayun Pawnshop Kotagede Basen Rejowinangun Babadan Gedongkuning JEC Block O Jackie (pass on) Jackie Maguwoharjo Adisucipto Airport Maguwoharjo North Ringroad Terminal Condongcatur Kentungan MM UGM MirotaKampus Gondolayu Monument Pingit Roundabout SAMSAT Badran PasarKembang TUGU Station Malioboro Post Office PKU Muhammadiyah Hospital Ngabean Jokteng Kulon Ivory Plengkung Jokteng Wetan Tungkak Wirosaban Tegalgendu Terminal Giwangan.   Trans Jogja Line 3B Terminal Giwangan Tegalgendu Wirosaban Tungkak Jokteng Wetan Ivory Plengkung JoktengKulon Ngabean PKU Muhammadiyah Hospital Flower Market Badran Roundabout SAMSAT Pingit Monument Gondolayu Mirota Campus MM UGM Kentungan Lean Terminal Chess North Ringroad Maguwoharjo Adisucipto Airport Maguwoharjo Jackie (passed down) Block O JEC Babadan Gedongkuning Rejowinangun S3. Basen Pawnshop Kotagede Jl.Nyi Pembayun HS-Silver Tegalgendu Terminal Giwangan. Trans Jogja Line 4A Terminal Giwangan SMK Muhammadiyah 3 Biology Museum Hayam Wuruk SMPN 5 Puro Pakualaman Student Park Ahmad Dahlan University Terminal Giwangan. Trans Jogja Line 4B Terminal Giwangan SMK Muhammadiyah 3 Kusumanegara 3 SGM STPMD 1 UIN Sunan Kalijaga 1 Women Building LPP Sudirman 1 SMPN 5 AA YKPN De Britto UIN Sunan Kalijaga 2 STPMD 2 SMKN 5 Kusumanegara 4 Art Market Ahmad Dahlan University Terminal Giwangan

Assessment Method of Image Interpretation

Method of Assessment: A way of applying in the review or investigation of the object in the image. Image interpretation activities follow a particular method are: Observations from the general to the specific objects objects Observations from the known object to the unknown object. Assessment methods in image interpretation activities generally using 2 different methods, among others: 1. Fishing Expedition Assessment methods objects in the image by means of observations throughout the region and is accompanied by a data retrieval. This activity is similar to the people who fished, explored the waters around the area to look for the presence or absence of fish. So the method is then called with the "Fishing Expedition" or "Fishing Expedition" Fishing Expedition
2. logical Search In this method of observation of the entire region in image retrieval is only performed but is selective in certain areas in accordance with the purpose of interpretation.

Logical Search


In image interpretation activities, there are some elements that are used as guidelines in the detection, identification to identify an object. These elements when arranged in a hierarchy according to the level of difficulty of interpretation will look like in the picture below:
Hirarki Interpretasi Citra

Image interpretation is an activity of assessing, reviewing, identifying and recognizing objects in images, then assess the significance of the object. In image interpretation, there are two main activities, namely object recognition and utilization of information. The steps are usually done to acquire remote sensing data is detect and analyze objects in the images to be useful for a variety of images.
Object recognition is an important part of image interpretation. The principle of object recognition in images based on the investigation of the characteristics of the objects contained in the image. Various characteristics to recognize objects in images is called image interpretation elements, as follows:
Hue and color
Rona is the degree of darkness or brightness levels in the image of the object, while the color of the form is visible to the eye by using a narrow spectrum, narrower than the visible spectrum.

form                 Is a qualitative variable that provides the framework configuration or an object. We can be the object of a football stadium on the aerial photo of the rectangular shape. so we can recognize the shape of the volcano are convex. Schoolgirl shaped I, L, U, or box. Size Size is an object which, among other characteristics such as distance, area, slope height and volume. Size of the object in the image such as scale, therefore the use of size as image interpretation, should always keep in mind the scale .. Sample: Field sports football is characterized by the shape (rectangular) and a fixed size, which is about (80 m - 100 m). Texture is the frequency change of hue in the image. There are also those who say that the texture is repetition in hue group of objects that are too small to be distinguished individually. Texture is given by: coarse, fine, and medium. For example: Forests coarse textured, medium textured shrubs and bushes finely textured. Pattern Pattern or spatial arrangement is a characteristic that marks the many objects and human formation for some natural objects. Example: The pattern of the flow of the river marks the geological structure. Trelis flow patterns mark structural folds. Transmigration settlements identified with a regular pattern, the size of the home and away uniforms, and always facing the street. Rubber, palm oil, coffee plantations are easily distinguished from the forest or other vegetation with a regular pattern, namely the cropping pattern and spacing. Shadow Shadow detail is hidden or objects are in the dark. Nonetheless, the shadows can also be an introduction to the key importance to some objects precisely with the shadows become clearer. Example: steep slopes are more obvious in the presence of shadows, as well as chimneys and towers, appear more clearly in the presence of shadows. The site was the location of an object on other objects in the vicinity. For example, settlements are generally elongated in the coastal shelf edge, or natural levee along the way. Also rice, are common in the lowlands, and so on. Association Association is a relationship between objects with one object lainnya.Contoh: Train station in association with the railroad of more than one (branching), the airport associated with an airport.


is interpreting activities, assess, identify, and recognize objects in images, selanjutya assess the significance of the object Activities to obtain data inderja of image interpretation was performed by using the tools, yaiatu stereoscope. This tool serves to display 3D images from two 2D aerial photographs were placed bertampalan. Two aerial photographs is the same but different shooting angles.
Stereoskop - Alat yang digunakan untuk melakukan kegiatan Interpretasi Citra
used to conduct Image Interpretation General steps taken to acquire remote sensing data that can be utilized by a variety of fields are: 1. detection At this stage object detection activities recorded on aerial photographs and satellite images 2. identification Mengidentifikai object by its characteristic spectral, spatial and temporal. 3. introduction Object recognition is done in order to classify the object shown in the image based on specific knowledge 4. analysis The analysis aims to group objects that have the same characteristics 5. deduction An object based image processing activities contained in the image to a more specific. 6. classification Includes descriptions and restrictions (delineation) of the objects contained in the image 7. idealization Presentation of the results of image interpretation of data in the form of a ready-made maps.

National Seminar on Nuclear Technology VIII HR 2012

College of Nuclear Technology-BATAN invite you to the researchers, academics, commentators, students to participate in the National Seminar on Nuclear Technology VIII HR 2012. theme Preparation of HR Technology Environmental and Nuclear Safety Cultured Plans Time and Place All activities will take place for one day, Wednesday, October 31, 2012, 8:00 to 17:00 pm, in Meeting Rooms 2 & 3 Floor, PTAPB-BATAN, Jl. Babarsari, Yogyakarta. Important Dates 24 September 2012 postponed to October 8, 2012: Deadline for paper collection October 24, 2012: Announcement of accepted papers, the deadline for payment of the participation fee. October 31, 2012: Implementation Seminar Template papers downloaded here
Detailed information and the application form can be downloaded from the leaflet pendaftara seminar here or contact the committee as follows. secretariat Maria Christina P., M.Eng. or Budi Suhendro, SST. College of Nuclear Technology - BATAN Jl. Post Office Box 6101 YKBB Babarsari Yogyakarta 55281 Tel: 0274-484085, 489716, Fax. 0274-489715 Hp: 0813 280 90 947 (SMS) - 0888 285 3010 (SMS) E-mail:

Introduction to International Agreements on Nuclear Power

STTN, College of Nuclear Technology-BATAN Yogyakarta in cooperation with the Bureau of International Cooperation, Legal and Public Relations National Nuclear Energy Agency (BKHH-BATAN) held Introduction to International Agreements on Nuclear Power for Students STTN Semester 1 (a) Nuclear Teknokimia Prodi, Prodi Prodi Electrical and Electronic Instrumentation mechanics. The purpose of this introduction so that students understand what is called international law nuclear energy (nuclear law) The implementation in the Auditorium STTN-BATAN Yogyakarta on Saturday 27th November 2010 and was officially opened by the First Chairman Ir Penbantu Anis Noor Kundari, MT represents STTN-BATAN Chairman Prof. Dr. Kris Tri Basuki who was unable to attend.
In this introduction was delivered 2 (two) material, namely: first "Introduction to NPP National Meet Energy Needs" presented by Dr. Ferhat Aziz he was head BKHH BATAN; second "Role of International Agreements on Nuclear Power in the Nuclear Utilization Destination For Peace" presented by Drs. Hasan Yaziz he was Head of Agreement BKHH. In the event it can be concluded that: nuclear power technology is now very safe, controlled waste produced by nuclear power plants, as well as HR Indonesia ready to operate nuclear power plants.

Prepare North Korean Nuclear Test

Based on a recent satellite imagery of the United States (U.S.), known to North Korea (North Korea) is preparing a nuclear test site. But can not be explained when the test would take place. Earlier this month, South Korean intelligence (ROK) reported it received evidence that the neighbors were digging tunnels in Punggye-ri. The tunnel is expected to be the new location of North Korea's nuclear test. Now through satellite imagery obtained by the US-Korea Institute Johns Hopkins School of Advanced International Studies, showed several photos of the suspected would be used as a nuclear test. The analysis shows, approximately 8000 cubic yards of debris collected reactors at the site. Previous location was also briefly used as a nuclear test North Korea in 2006 and 2009.
"Clearly visible from this photo, North Korea amid preparations for a nuclear test over the last few months. Unclear time of the test will take place," said Joel Wit U.S. analysis, as quoted by the Associated Press on Saturday (28/04/2012) . If true North conducted a nuclear test, of course, criticism of the world will again flowing. Previously, efforts to launch their rockets had sparked criticism from the international community. Although in the end the rocket launch ends in failure. Latest nuclear test would certainly complicate the position of North Korea itself. There is a possibility that tougher new sanctions will be applied, when the Communist state remained adamant to perform the test. Punggyr-ri is located in the northeast region of the country. Through satellite imagery found that the work at the site has been going on since March. Recent photos show the mine cart, which is believed to bring the material removed from the test site. source :