STTN, College of Nuclear Technology-BATAN Yogyakarta in cooperation with the Bureau of International Cooperation, Legal and Public Relations National Nuclear Energy Agency (BKHH-BATAN) held Introduction to International Agreements on Nuclear Power for Students STTN Semester 1 (a) Nuclear Teknokimia Prodi, Prodi Prodi Electrical and Electronic Instrumentation mechanics. The purpose of this introduction so that students understand what is called international law nuclear energy (nuclear law)
The implementation in the Auditorium STTN-BATAN Yogyakarta on Saturday 27th November 2010 and was officially opened by the First Chairman Ir Penbantu Anis Noor Kundari, MT represents STTN-BATAN Chairman Prof. Dr. Kris Tri Basuki who was unable to attend.
In this introduction was delivered 2 (two) material, namely: first "Introduction to NPP National Meet Energy Needs" presented by Dr. Ferhat Aziz he was head BKHH BATAN; second "Role of International Agreements on Nuclear Power in the Nuclear Utilization Destination For Peace" presented by Drs. Hasan Yaziz he was Head of Agreement BKHH.
In the event it can be concluded that: nuclear power technology is now very safe, controlled waste produced by nuclear power plants, as well as HR Indonesia ready to operate nuclear power plants.