enough disk space saving.2. Speed storage. Because the ER Mapper only store the original data and image processing applications
that make the bytes of data stored is smaller and faster storage rnernbuat process.3. Processing template. The algorithm can be used for processing various data templates for different
applications.4. Quantity result. The algorithm contains all the necessary data processing so that we do not compounded
with our image processing: "what to do with this image?"5. Interactive processing. Data processing was seen directly on the screen without having to create the output
file first.6. Leaves interactive mosaic image. Mosaics can be processed easily without requiring pencontohan and
merging multiple data files that can produce a large hard drive space.7. Merging data interactively. SPOT and Landsat TM data for example can be merged interactively without
the need for output files on your hard drive.8. The ability to display image pixels perpiksel.9. Raster data exchange facilities up to 130 importing data format.10. Printing facilities up to 250 output data format.11. 3D visualization capabilities and flying through.12. Ability to read vector data such as: AutoCAD and Arc / Info.13. Cartographic layout and output capabilities are adequate for the size of image procesing software.
C. Supporters Map In Digital Image Processing
In digital image processing we need data or other map as a source of spatial information. Some supporters of maps in digital image processing examples include
Map Topography / Rupa Bumi Indonesia.This map serves as a map reference in the process of image rectification.
Land Use MapIn the process multispectral klasifikasifikasi frequently encountered objects that are difficult to identify. Map existing land uses can be used as reference data which can assist in pergenalan object in this field.
Image processing software is generally only capable of displaying image data that has several bands in a 3-dimensional, consisting of 3 bands that appear together in RGB color mode, ie there are bands that are projected in red color (red), green (green) and blue (blue). To 'read' or interpret RGB color display is necessary to require knowledge of the spectral response pattern of the object.Rnerupakan digital image processing on the image of a series of treatments using techniques known in the field of remote sensing (digital image processing), where in it could have contained the image restoration process (atmospheric correction and geometric correction), spatial filtering and image sharpening, image transformation, image classification, and others as well as output.
A. ER Mapper SoftwareER Mapper is a digital image processing software, which has been widely used. ER Mapper has been progressing from generation of ER Mapper β (betha) in 1990 until the generation of ER Mapper 6.3 in 2003. Development of development that has been done during the period that makes software ER Mapper has more facilities and better equipped for digital processing of remote sensing data than previous versions.ER Mapper can be run on computers with minimum specifications: computer PC / AT with Pentium processor, 24 Mb RAM, with operating system Windows 95 or Windows NT to the top and high-resolution color monitor. ER Mapper can also be run on keria network system (network) with the UNIX operating system. ER Mapper can be used to display and raster data processing, display and edit vector data, and can be linked with data from Geographical Information Systems (GIS), database management system (DBMS) and other data sources.ER Mapper uses a concept called data processing algorithms, where the algorithm makes a kind of independent stages in the process of image processing. Stages of image processing steps can be stored and edited in a file algorithm that can be used for other image data processing stages.ER Mapper is designed specifically for data handling data related to terrestrial problems and includes industries engaged in the earth as well. Here is a field of fields can use ER Mapper applications, among others:* Environmental monitoring* Management and planning of cities and urban areas* Management of forest resources* Service information and management of land use* Mineral Exploration* Agriculture and estates* Management of water resources* Management of coastal and marine resources* Physical Oceanography* Exploration and production of oil and gas.
In ER Mapper, digital image data stored in an electronic storage as an array of two-dimensional data, called pixels (picture element). Each pixel mewakill an area on the surface of the earth. The amount of area represented by one pixel depends on the satellite sensor is used, ie there is a 10 m, 20 m, 30 m, etc.. Size / values is called a spatial resolution of satellite sensors in question as described above. The composition of two-dimensional image data is called raster format so that the digital image data is often also called raster data. Note that raster data are arranged in horizontal rows, called lines and vertical columns are called samples.
B. Excess ER MapperDevelopments that have been experienced by ER Mapper ER Mapper is an attempt to adjust for the development of hardware (hardware) and operating system (OS) that exist and thrive at this time. Perkernbangan this happens also provide some new facilities in order to maximize the ability Iebih dalarn ER Mapper software digital image processing. Some advantages of ER Mapper is:1. Data storage disk. ER Mapper only store the original data from image and storage applications, so that