GlobalMapper that I use today, suddenly announced that version 10 was available and I was asked to update it online. But I defer, because besides being a lot of work, I also want to know "What's New" from the Global Mapper 10.
Global Mapper Software LLC announces the availability of GlobalMapper v10.00 on August 22, 2008. You can download it via the following url If you have a previous version, you do not need to remove it, just install the version 10, then the previous version will be directly replaced.
Some of the increase and improvement of existing bugs in previous versions have been overcome in this latest release GlobalMapper. Under the following improvements have been made:
Able to perform importing ESRI personal geodatabase (MDB) files.
Able to perform importing and exporting files BigTIFF.
Able to perform selection / changes to the layer when editing existing features and creating a new layer using the Digitizer Tool.
KML / KMZ Super Overlay Support!
Able to perform creating new feature coordinates based on the distance and or COGO values ​​from a starting location using the Digitizer Tool.
Able to rename mutiple attibute on the Saar editing features and also make copying from one attribute to the different attributes.

Crop USING GLOBAL Mapper raster data

tips to clip or crop raster data (image) either using ArcGIS, MapWindow, or ArcView 3.x. This time it wants to show how to crop raster data using Global Mapper. One of the advantages to crop in Global Mapper is the speed of his cropping process than previously mentioned above.
How to perform crop raster data using Global Mapper are able to use the shapefile or other vector data type polygon. The main requirement for the crop in accordance with the user wants or according to the data vector is to select it (selection) first. Raster data will be in accordance with the crop area that is already in the selection. Selection of vector data can be done with the Digitizer Tool or feature Info Tool.

If you crop an area of more than one (as exemplified in this video) or multiple areas, then the selection of vector data using the Digitizer Tool should, because it features Tool Info can only select one area only. Once the selected vector data, process the crop can be done from the menu File -> Export Raster & Elevation Data -> select the type of file format you want. In the wizard that opens a window to move the Export Bounds tab, select the very bottom of the Crop Area To Selected Feature (s). More can be viewed at the following video (full screen view better by clicking the sign to the left writing Screenr)

Clipping rasters ArcMap IN USING A GRAPHIC

Clipping Raster in ArcMap can be done simply by using a graphic without the required layer shapefile. To perform clipping raster in ArcMap using a graphic, create a graphic shape as you see fit, or tailored to the needs of your work. The results will clip the raster can be BMP, GIF, GRID, IMAGINE, JPEG, JPEG 2000, PNG, or TIFF files.

After making a graphic as a clip area by using the tools in ArcMap Drawing toolbar, make sure the graphic is on the conditions selected.
To perform a clip and export raster dataset using the graphic, right-click the raster layer in the table of contents. Select Data> Export Data from the context menu.
In the Export Raster Data dialog box, click the radio button "Selected Graphics (Clipping)". Make sure you make settings that correspond to Spatial Reference Data Frameatau with raster datasets.
Browse the location where the storage of export its raster dataset, an appropriate name, save it as a raster format. If you want the output is empty geodatabase behind the file name extension.
Good luck


Latest satellite GeoEye-1 image is scheduled to launch on 4 September 2008. GeoEye is a company that houses IKONOS and OrbView-2. GeoEye-1 will be able to produce images with a resolution of 0.41-meter panchromatic (black & white) and 1.65 meter multispectral. Satellite images of this in a day can do the scanning of 700,000 square kilometers of panchromatic and up to 350,000 square kilometers for the pan-sharpened multispectral. This capability is ideal for large-scale mapping projects.

GeoEye-1 will re-visit the same object on the Earth in 3 days or sooner than that. Customer can order images included with the DEM (digital elevation model) and DSM (digital surface model). GeoEye-1 orbit 12 to 13 orbits per day, fly to an altitude orbit of 684 kilometers with a speed of 7.5 km / sec.
Here's a difference between the 1-meter resolution satellite image with a resolution of 0.41 meters.

To learn more about GeoEye-1 can be seen in while viewing satellite launch countdown is scheduled to be viewed directly with streaming video through the link.

USGS LANDSAT DATA IN ALL FREE NOW reported about the release of full Landsat data libraries available in the USGS. Now you can access over the past 35 years of Landsat 1 through Landsat 7. To access these data can be through the USGS Global Visualization Viewer (GloVis) or from EarthExplorer. In addition the USGS itself has made remote sensing class projects so much easier for users.


Google has just released a new tool that can help developers to learn and test code for Google Javascript API. Microsoft also has the same tools that the VE Interactive SDK. Interactive AJAX APIs Playgound has an interface that allows users to codingnya very easy and just click Run to see the results.
Hopefully this tool provides more inspiration for the developers and people who are interested to make their own maps based on Google Maps. This interactive tool is very easy to use and can be used as an effective learning tool. But if you're interested in learning the Google Maps API coding through an ebook can download the Google Maps API Tutorial at Digital Geography blog.

Google Maps API documentation can be found on the following page Sample Code Code Playground - New!
Google Interactive Playground is now available also for:
Visualization API (includes Chart API)
Search API
Language API (Translate)
Blogger Data API
Libraries API
Earth API
Feeds API
Calendar Data API



Quick Response Code, or commonly abbreviated with a QR Code is a matrix code type capable of storing more information than the Bar Code. QR code acts as though the physical hyperlinks that can save the web address (URL), phone numbers, text, and SMS. Now you can save a Google Maps URL as a QR Code image for the print and on the share to friends or colleagues.

Here are the stages of google maps convert the URL into a QR Code image:
Go to Google Maps, navigate to your desired location.
From the menu links (upper right), copy the link provided on the form above. Form below to attach the map in your blog or website.
Open a new tab in your browser, type the URL bypass bypass service from Google that is Paste the link from Google Maps on the form provided.

Click on Shorten. The results of the shortened URL is available on the right button shorten it.
Copy the shortened URL, then paste it in a new tab to add. Qr behind the shortened URL. For example a short URL generated result is then added Qr be and paste the URL address in the browser. QR Code image for a link from Google Maps will be available to you.

Google Chrome Browser provides QR Maps extension that will automatically provide the "Code" right next to the menu "Links" on Google Maps to convert into a QR Code image (see picture at top). If you're using Google Chrome, please download and install QR Maps extension. Then specify the location that you want to convert into a QR Code. Then click the Code button, then the QR Code image will be available the same page. Print the image for the share.
To be able to take advantage of QR code technology in the phone, the phone must have internet access. With the help of ID (number of digits), QR code can not only be read by camera phones, but also with a cell phone without a camera.
In camera phones, QR code can be read through the application of QR code reader type. Special output Nokia N series phones & E, the reader application is already available (pre-installed) and can be used.
For other phones, the application shall be installed reader. On the internet available various reader applications that can be downloaded free of charge, one of which is the services available at the address Type your phone will be detected automatically and then the system will give the option some reader application. Download and install an application on your phone.


You've tried to create a map in ArcGIS Online Blog has just posted how to put ArcGIS Online Maps into your website or blog using map viewer. Stages are done quite easy because to put ArcGIS Online Maps is facilitated by the availability of Share button.

Simply by clicking the Share button, then choose the desired size of the map view, then a script with an iframe tag will be available for copy. Paste the script into a blank notepad, then save as a file. Html or can directly paste on your web page or blog.


I've split the index previous geological maps that you can see at this link. There I showed throughout Indonesia geological map indexes contained in the site I paste into the Google Earth Image Overlay Tool using the facility. There I mentioned that I will make the interactive version, where the user simply by clicking on the index in question and then an image will appear showing the geological map display according to the index. Interactive version of the index geological maps with the image gallery, is now available for download. The picture is as shown on the display above.

You can free download KMZ file that I made it through the download link at the end of this post. Double click to open the KMZ file in Google Earth. You will find an index display of geology maps with red lines and yellow colors. The yellow line shows the image area available geological maps, sedangan red line means not available.
If the geological maps are available so an image will appear once you click on the yellow line area, just like the view above. You can also download the image through my Picasaweb account the public gallery by clicking on the text contained in Geology from the bottom right of the image that appears. Images that are available for download are, available with low resolution. If you want to get a high resolution (of course with a high file size too) please contact me via email.


Jennifer Carrell from the Illinois State Geological Survey has created a tool to create a geological cross section in ArcMap 9.3. The program is named Create an exacto geologic Cross-Sections Section v. 2.0. You can download a free tool that has been accompanied by a quick start tutorial and sample data files included with MXD (ArcMap Project File) therein.

This tool will automatically draw the appropriate geological cross section is:
surface profile (by using the DEM data),
geological units
well or borehole locations (if any), and
geological materials found on site well.
The advantages of this tool geologic cross section is in addition to the combination of data output polyline and point shapefiles also has a spatial reference, so that every measurement on output is always right.
Geological cross section tool in ArcMap was created using Visual Basic for Applications (VBA) code which is stored in the ArcMap project file (. MXD) are included. Users simply make the input data as follows:
line cross section,
elevation data in raster format (DEM)
geological data in polygon format
well points and a table of data sub-surface
Users define their own height interval and eksagerasi. This tool will do the conversion feet or meters depending on the unit system used. The latest version of this tool only requires ArcView License, but still require a 3D Analyst extension.


ArcGIS can be used to visualize the form of 3-dimensional (3D) wells drilled, the lower surface of the soil / geological cross-section of a shapefile with well log data, in which there are well locations (wells) in the x and y coordinates as well as geological formations in the value of z.

Link at the end of this post will show you step by step guidance in a 43 page ebook formats, instructions for mapping the 3D surface modeling using the ArcGIS underground geological and well log data. ArcGIS components are required in addition to ArcScene and ArcCatalog ArcMap. Besides the 3D Analyst extension is required, Spatial Analyst and XTools Pro for ArcGIS.
Previously I've posted a tool to create a geological cross section in ArcGIS. The program is named geologic Create an exacto Section Cross-Sections


The ability of MapInfo Professional version 10 which will be released for direct access PostGIS is one of the excellent features provided GIS software from Pitney Bowes this. Is ArcGIS is able to connect with PostGIS?

PostGIS is a PostgreSQL server that "spatially enables", which is used as a backend spatial database for geographic information systems (GIS), such as ESRI SDE or Oracle's Spatial extension. In contrast to the two last-mentioned database servers, PostGIS is an open source software under the GNU General Public License.
To make the connection between ArcGIS with PostGIS, it takes an additional extension, namely zigGIS. With ArcGIS Desktop zigGIS able to directly connect with the spatial data stored in PostGIS. Spatial data can be displayed in ArcMap canvas, in the analysis and in the edit in ArcMap.

The most interesting feature is the ability to perform multi-user editing PostGIS data from ArcMap using the editing functions are available in ArcMap.


PostGIS, which currently has a written version 1.5.2, is a spatial database extender for PostgreSQL Database Management System, which is used as a backend spatial database for geographic information systems (GIS), such as ESRI SDE or Oracle's Spatial extension. In contrast to the two last-mentioned database servers, PostGIS is an open source GIS software under the GNU General Public License.
If you just want to start learning PostGIS, BostonGIS has made PostGIS and PostgreSQL tutorial on its website. For starters, maybe you could start with the Getting Started With PostGIS: An almost Idiot's Guide.
There's more to learn PostGIS guidance on these sites, please look at his homepage to find other tutorials PostGIS and PostgreSQL.
BostonGIS has also released a book PostGIS in Action in hardcopy and PDF format. I've posted previously about this book in May 2009. Now the book is already a lot of revision, a more complete discussion and thicker, last updated in April 2011. PDF format of the book is actually a lot of "scattered" on the internet for download through file sharing sites. Perhaps the search with the keyword in the following url useful.

ST-Links Spatial Kit

ST-Links ArcGIS Spatial Kit is a free extension to connect to a PostGIS spatial database (PostgreSQL), SQL Server 2008/2008 R2, Oracle or MySQL without the required licenses ArcSDE. ST-Spatial Links Kit formerly named ST-Links PgMap.

ST-Spatial Links Kit version 3.0.4 is currently available for ArcGIS 10 (last update on October 21, 2011) and Spatial Kit version 3.0.3 for users of ArcGIS 9.3. SpatialKit This replaces the previous version 3.0.x which is still named PgMap and QMap.
Here are the features on the ST-Spatial Links Kit:
Work with Postgresql / PostGIS, SQL Server 2008 / 2008 R2 spatial databases
Seamlessly integrates with ArcMap
Use spatial tables and / or views as ArcMap feature layers
Edit spatial database tables / views within ArcMap Editing Session
Support multi-connections, m
ulti-databases, and Various database systems
Persisting connections and layer information in map documents, and layer files
Align the reference spatial identity codes with ArcMap spatial references
Support custom coordinate systems
Support SQL Server Geometry, Geography, Geometry and PostGIS data types
Support 2D, 3D, and 4D (Z values, and M values)
Support Cross Schemas in Spatial Databases
Provide view extents and attribute settings for filtering query spatial data while mapping
Provide conversion and loading functions for spatial databases feature classes and tables
Compatible with all database functionalities and business data models
Help you centralize your spatial data in one format for different platforms and applications
Help you centralize your spatial data with enterprise business databases


Google Maps Indonesia [] weather information is now available for almost all cities in Indonesia. Previously I've posted that on Google Earth, you can have a weather picture big cities in Indonesia. Features weather forecasts in Google Earth has been available since version 5.2 (now version 6). Like Google Earth, weather information on Google Maps uses data from

Weather information on Google Maps can be obtained by activating the weather feature (see image above). Weather information is indicated by the icon along with the magnitude of the weather picture of the temperature (in degrees Celsius) and the name of the city. If you click on the icon, then there is additional information that is humidity and wind speed forecast for today and up to 3 days ahead (see figure below).

On the left there are other cities information contained in the surrounding area map view is user selected. For example I want to know weather information Surabaya city with zoom in to the city, then the information on weather in the city close to Surabaya will appear on the left. (see picture below)

Weather information is also available on the maps. or otherwise available globally. Under the official video from Google about the weather feature on Google Maps. So now in addition to traffic information feature (Jakarta) and webcam (big cities in Indonesia), Google Maps has the complete features of the weather.

Yes, do not be naked with just a roofed skies, as high-resolution satellite imagery could be up there where you're recording

Yes, do not be naked with just a roofed skies, as high-resolution satellite imagery could be up there where you're recording it naked! Look at the example image above. Even though you're in the safest of places tout others, but you may not be missed from the scanning high-resolution satellite imagery.

ArcGIS Viewer for Flex is a client application

ArcGIS Viewer for Flex is a client application that is built using the ArcGIS API for Flex that the user can quickly create GIS Web mapping applications without the user must master programming.

This application is designed to work with ArcGIS Server and ArcGIS Online Web services have been boosted all the latest capabilities offered by ArcGIS Server 10. For information Flex is an open source web application development tool made ​​by Adobe.
With ArcGIS Viewer for Flex, users can quickly create WebGIS applications including: data displays, interactive querying, Web editing, data extraction, geocoding, & printing and easily create customized view of the viewer as well as adding a logo or brand where everything is not require users to master the programming knowledge or programming skills.
Mapping content from ArcGIS Online is already available (preloaded) in this application, including worldwide street, imagery, and Topographic maps. To this custom viewer, users can simply edit the XML files in a text editor to change the look, functionality and content of his folder.
ESRI ArcGIS Viewer for Flex 2.0 (beta) can be downloaded for free on ArcGIS Viewer for Flex Resource Center Web page.

Java OpenStreetMap Editor or JOSM editor is commonly

Java OpenStreetMap Editor or JOSM editor is commonly abbreviated as the name implies a desktop application used for editing OpenStreetMap data. You can download a free application via the following website homepage

Humanitarian OpenStreetMap Team (HOT) Indonesia is currently being held OpenStreetMap Mapping Competition for students, who can you look at the following link On the same site there is also a tutorial use the Java OpenStreetMap Editor in Bahasa Indonesian, which as of this writing, there are three tutorials are:
Tutorial Setting Early JOSM | Download in PDF format HERE
Mapping the Way Doing and Defining attributes Using JOSM Editor | Download in PDF format HERE
Tutorial Adding Information to the Right Building Using JOSM Editor | Download in PDF format HERE
If you are interested in further studying the JOSM editor following links may be helpful to you
HOT Indonesia Indonesia is also planning to release OpenStreetMap which can be accessed online through

Open Source GIS gvSIG 1:11 newest version is now available in a portable

Open Source GIS gvSIG 1:11 newest version is now available in a portable format for on the run directly from USB Flash Disk, or you can also copy to a computer to be operated without the need to install at all. 1:11 gvSIG portable is available for Windows and Linux.

Previously I've posted about several open source GIS software portable and portable GPS in GIS this blog, including QuickGrid Portable, Portable OziExplorer, MapSource Portable, Portable Floppy GIS, as well as the most comprehensive is a portable GIS Archaeogeek V2 of the package is included in QGIS (with GRASS plugin), uDIG, desktops, and gvSIG for GIS Mapserver, OpenLayers, Tilecache, Featureserver, and GeoServer for web applications.
Open Source GIS gvSIG contained in V2 Portable GIS is the old version, the latest is gvSIG version 1.11. Total size after the unzip approximately 285 MB. This portable format not only contains the program file to run gvSIG, but also the Java Runtime Engine, so if the computer you use to run gvSIG portable Java is not installed, this software can still use. gvSIG is made based on Java.
If you run this portable gvSIG for the first time, the default language used is Spanish, because it is open source software is made in Spain. To change the language to Bahasa follow the following steps (see figure below):

Run the program portable gvSIG
From the menu "Ventana" select "Preferencias".
From the window that opens click the + on the "General", then select "Idioma".
Choose the language diingkinkan (Bahasa), click "Aceptar", run the program again gvSIG portable

Have some competence or expertise in programming

Have some competence or expertise in programming has become an important requirement for working in the field of geospatial technology. Even specifically some GIS job requires programming expertise as one of the conditions. The majority of the GIS analyst positions require some level of expertise in the development and application programs. So what programming language should you learn to compete within the scope of geospatial technology work?

Python is a popular scripting language among GIS software, especially for those who want to work with ESRI desktop products. Learning Python scripting is a way to understand and create a variety of tools within the ArcGIS framework for ease of analysis.
C # is a programming language suggested a relatively easy and intuitive to learn. Learning. NET will also allow you to be able to make customization in ArcGIS. VBA programming language will no longer support the ArcGIS 10. For it to users who have built custom function using VBA, should plan a strategy to rewrite their applications using supported development languages ​​such as Python, VB.NET, or C # so that they are operational and applications continue to be supported in future releases of ArcGIS.
For web-based application development, learning HTML, javascript, and CSS as the basis. Java, PHP, and ASP.NET is an additional programming language for web development is more advanced.
The question is, should I start? Learning the basic concepts of programming is very important. From there, move to a specific programming language. Here is a guide to finding resources on the internet and books to help you learn programming.
The Basics
How to Design Programs: An Introduction to Programming and Computing
Required reading for beginners who want to learn programming. September 2003 edition can be accessed free of charge.
C + +
Object-Oriented Programming with C + +
Free online courseware (Lectures and tutorials) from the University of Southern Queensland's OpenCourseWare (USQ OCW).
Python (also see Python and GIS for more resources)
Beginner's Guide to Python
Free, online resource to learning Python.
Google's Python Class
Free class from Google to learn Python.
Python for Software Design: How to Think Like a Computer Scientist
Book which provides a brief introduction to design software using Python. This book is the latest version of How to Think Like a Computer Scientist: Learning with Python which can be downloaded free of charge
Geoprocessing with Python using the Open Source GIS
Structured course outline by Chris Garrard of Utah State University with links to open source software, course slides, and data.
Getting to know ArcObjects: Programming ArcGIS with VBA
Book by Robert Burke who gives a basic overview of ArcObjects programming and programming within the Microsoft Visual Basic for Applications (VBA)
GIS Programming Makes You Lazy
The site provides a tutorial and overview the concept of Objects, Classes, and Interfaces, VBA, and ArcObjects.

ESRI Training Services provides training materials online ArcGIS 10

ESRI Training Services provides training materials online ArcGIS 10. Many of which you can access for free. One is training Editing in ArcGIS Desktop 10.

You can learn how editing in ArcGIS 10 using the template feature, how do the snapping settings when editing and follow the latest editing workflow in ArcGIS 10 which is slightly different from previous versions. Understanding how editing in ArcGIS 9.x will be easier for you to understand the online GIS course duration 3 hours.
To be able to follow courses that are available free online ArcGIS, you must already have an account ESRI. If not you can register in advance to get it. Online courses Editing in ArcGIS Desktop 10 available at this link. To have an account at ESRI can register at this link.
Here are some links about the mini-tutorial from ESRI Editing in ArcGIS 10. First a pamphlet in PDF format titled "Editing in ArcGIS 10: An Overview". An outline of the fundamental steps in ArcGIS editing operations 10. Also available online at ArcGIS Desktop Help 10.0 Library is a "Quick Tour of Editing". "The basics of the editing environment in ArcMap", available at link 10 ArcGIS Desktop Application Tutorials from the University of Maryland Libraries. While on Youtube, via channel ESRITV, you can see the six-minute video on Editing in ArcGIS 10.
You do not have ArcGIS 10? You can get a trial DVD software ArcGIS 10 full-functioning for 180 days (6 months) to buy one book Serial GIS Tutorial for ArcGIS 10. The book also features a CD that contains the sample data used as training material.

Traning Geospatial Services provides GIS courses for free on Programming ArcObjects with VBA to access online

Traning Geospatial Services provides GIS courses for free on Programming ArcObjects with VBA to access online. This decision was taken because VBA no longer supports the ArcGIS 10.1. This online GIS courses are still useful for users of ArcGIS Desktop 9.3.

Free online GIS courses are divided into two namely: Introduction to VBA for ArcMap and Introduction to ArcObjects. Exercise taken from the book Getting to Know ArcObjects (With CD-ROM) that can be purchased at

Geospatial Services Traning again provide free online GIS courses

Geospatial Services Traning again provide free online GIS courses, this time about how to quickly build Web GIS mapping applications without the user must master programming using ArcGIS Viewer for Flex. ArcGIS Viewer for Flex is a client application that is built using the ArcGIS API for Flex that are currently available version 2.4. Flex is an open source web application development tool made ​​by Adobe.

GIS courses online for free how to quickly build Web GIS applications using ArcGIS Viewer for Flex is actually part of the course "Programming the ArcGIS Server API for Flex course", as the introduction of a paid six other modules


Geotagging of photos taken from the field survey using GPS track timeline before I ever post using GPS PhotoLink paid software. I then tried some other free software for geotagging, and this time I tried to review the Software GpicSync.

GPicSync stands for G: GPS Pic: Pictures Sync: Synchronization, a geotagging software / free geocode made by francois.schnell. GPicSync is a small and simple application that functions automatically insert location information into photo metadata so that the photo can be displayed in Google Earth, Flickr, etc. using the reference timeline GPS track.
Here are the features contained in GPicSync:
automatically geocode your photos (in the EXIF ​​header)
use a GPS tracklog in the GPX format or NMEA format (multiple selection possible)
Support elevation data if present in the tracklog
Create a Google Earth KML file to directly visualize the geocoded photos and track in Google Earth
Create a Google Maps file to publish your pictures and track on the web (more)
Automatically associate audio or video files in Google Earth and Google Maps
Create a Google Earth KMZ file (containing your geolocalized pictures and tracklog).
add additional geonames and 'geotagged' metadata (for automatic tagging in Flickr for example) and create an automatic IPTC caption (more)
manually write latitude / longitude in a picture EXIF ​​or a selection of photos
handy tools integrated (Time correction tool, EXIF ​​reader, GPX inspector, rename pictures with date / location,)
supports Jpeg pictures and main RAW files format (more)
software available in Bahasa, French, German, Italian, traditional and simplified Chinese, Catalan, Russian, Spanish, Polish, Portuguese and Koruna (see translations)

GPicSync can be downloaded for free HERE. Tutorial how to use this application can be found on page Getting Started with GPicSync. In case I've ever done, this GPicSync was more accurate than the GPS Photo Link. Only GPS Photo Link is able to produce a shapefile that can directly link with photo and KML in ArcGIS and can link with a photo in Google Earth, while GPicSync only generate KML files only which also has links photo as facilities contained on Panoramio


Trying to Make geotagging photos of surveys I have ever visited how to add coordinates into the photo Such metadata information. You can easily memanfaarkan free Picasa software from Google for the geotagging process. But this time I wanted to show free software from Microsoft That can be used to geotag photos with or without GPS data, namely the Pro Photo Tools v.2.

Microsoft Pro Photo Tools is very easy to use for photo editing, including adding information metada coordinates (latitude / longitude) location information and city / state or commonly Referred to as the process of geotagging. Geo-location information Will be stored in the photo metadata. You can do geotagging photos by drag & drop pictures into a form That is available, then determine the location of the photo by dragging photos into a map of Bing Maps available software. Save the photo, then the coordinate information already contained in the photo metadata.

If you have a GPS track, the following steps to add coordinate information to the photo metadata using Microsoft Pro Photo Tools:
Drag the photo to the viewer Pro Photo Tools.
Call the GPS data from Track Route section, click on the Load from File.
Select all the pictures by pressing Ctrl + A
Click on the button under Track Route Place Images. The entire photo Will be placed on the map Bing Maps.
If the pictures are in accordance with the GPS track, from the menu File -> Save All Images with New Data, then the coordinate information Will be added to the photo metadata. Synchronization Between the GPS track and photos based on the photo capture time and time on the GPS track. For that, before taking a photo, make sure the camera time (hours / minutes / seconds) has the corresponding GPS time (hours / minutes / seconds). If Necessary, the GPS Pls take pictures with the camera to be used as a reference (as shown in image above)


NASA along with the Ministry of Economy, Trade and Industry of Japan yesterday released the Advanced Spaceborne Thermal Emission and Reflection Radiometer (ASTER) Global Digital Elevation Model (GDEM), a digital topographic map of the new earth that is claimed to be the most complete than ever before. This was conveyed by Woody Turner, ASTER program scientist at NASA Headquarters, Washington.
GDEM is processed using a stereo-correlating 1.3 million scene ASTER optical image archives. Including 83 degrees north latitude and 83 degrees south latitude, which means that nearly 99% of the earth's surface covered by the GDEM with a level of accuracy of 30 meters, beating the SRTM dataset which only cover 80% of the Earth's surface with a level of accuracy of 90 meters.


Google released the latest product from Google Labs called Google Earth Engine in conjunction with the International Climate Change Conference in Cancun, Mexico. Google Earth Engine is the latest technology from Google that provides data and satellite imagery that has not been published previously for research purposes.

Forest cover loss in the Congo for the past 10 years
With Google Earth Engine, researchers and scientist can use it for the analysis of monitoring and measuring changes in Earth's environment on a global scale. These data include Landsat satellite imagery last 25 years and MODIS satellite imagery as well. Platform technologies used utilizing the Google Cloud infrastructure. Google provides a free analysis tool for the scientist and developing countries to use it.
Google is releasing Google Earth Engine platform at the International Climate Change Conference to demonstrate that these tools allow scientists to monitor forests from their computer in seconds. Forest picture shown was taken via satellite service owned by the United States and France and then inserted into the data center using cloud computing technology. Pictured above is an example of data "Forest Cover Loss" in the African Congo for 10 years (2000-2010) using Landsat ETM + data.
Over the next two years, Google through filantropinya unit, will provide 10-hour service to developing countries to be able to access data from Google Earth Engine.


Services Download High Resolution Image from Google Earth that I offer are often inserted by the order to also make downloading Landsat satellite imagery. I always reply to the buyer that I do not cater to download Landsat satellite imagery, because it can do on their own.
Landsat is a satellite image of the longest operating record the earth's surface. First Landsat orbit in 1972, and since it's a reference to obtain Landsat satellite imagery with a resolution of the intermediate level. In tahun1999, Landsat took a big step with the orbit of Landsat 7 Enhanced Thematic Mapper Plus (ETM +).
Landsat satellite imagery can be downloaded for free via his web through the USGS Global Visualization Viewer (GloVis) in the url Or it could be downloaded from the following url done as well as from the University of Maryland at the following url

Import Google Earth image into AutoCAD or otherwise

With Google Earth Extension for AutoCAD users to perform an import Google Earth image into AutoCAD, publish 3D models from AutoCAD to Google Earth, and several other advantages. About Google Earth Extension for AutoCAD more please download the PDF it to AutoCAD 2008 (also for 2009 and 2010) and AutoCAD 2007.
To have just an update AutoCAD 2010, it is advisable to update this extension


Jika Anda membutuhkan aplikasi geolocation di laptop atau netbook tanpa harus repot memasang GPS receiver, Anda bisa menggunakan aplikasi GeoSense For Windows. Sayangnya, hanya bisa digunakan untuk Windows 7 saja. Aplikasi yang dibangun menggunakan location sensing API ini dibuat oleh Long Zeng dan Rafael Rivera

Berikut cara melakukan setting Geosense di Windows 7 :
Download Geosense for Windows dan instal di laptop / netbook.
Enable Geosense, dari Start Menu, ketik ‘location’ (tanpa quote) dalam search box. Lalu klik pada “Enable location and other sensors”.

Kemudian centang pada check-box untuk enable Geosense.

Klik “Apply”. Kini Anda bisa mengetahui lokasi laptop / netbook yang Anda gunakan.
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In the circuit implementation of the national geography Olympiad 2012, Faculty of Geography, University of Gadjah Mada University has issued guidelines national geographic 2012 Olympics.
The types that are contested in the Olympic national geography includes WORKS WRITE, POSTER, PHOTO, STUDY. From each of these competitions have been drawn up guidelines to facilitate the Olympic participants.
Guidelines for the National Geography Olympiad participants include the following:
1. Requirement for each category of race
2. delivery rule paper, posters, photographs and case studies

3. Aspects of assessment for each category of race
4. Components of assessment
No lag, the Committee also provides an opportunity for teachers to participate in the race escort extra special for teachers companion.
As an appreciation, then the committee will provide "BEST AWARD" For each category of Contest


GoogleTrail is a free mapping tool for the Garmin GPS that can be used to perform the conversion of web maps like Google Maps, Bing Map, Yahoo Map, Openstreet Map, Map Cloudemate a Garmin Custom Map.

With this GoogleTrail application, users can perform conversions custom web map into garmin folder by performing the selection area using the mouse and zoom in to limit the level of the desired user. The output obtained is the KMZ file that can be used as a background map on the Garmin GPS that has support custom folder.
One interesting option of this application is the ability to do the overlay of multiple web maps. Each web folder in overlaykan can edit its transparency, so that one map with the other does not cover each other, complement each other instead.

Google's Trail is available for download via CodePlex website. This application developers have also added a tutorial in Word format documents on how to create a Custom Garmin Map of Web Map complete with a screenshot of it. It is also available to create a GPX file and how to update altitude data using Google Maps. This free application can only run on Windows operating systems, and can work well in 64-bit Windows 7 systems.

editing polyline with the rules Topology in ArcGIS 10

Mini tutorial ArcGIS 10 on how to perform automatic editing of the overshoot and undershoot polyline in ArcGIS 10 using topology rules (Rule of Topology) was written by Irwan, ST as a guest writer on Irwan is blog owners who live in Gowa, South Sulawesi, alumni of the University of Hasanuddin, Regional Development Studies Program and the City.

What is overshoot and undershoot?Overshoot and undershoot is one of the problems found by users who are involved in the analysis and route networks that utilize GIS technology. Overshoot and undershoot can result in network analysis does not run normally due to a broken line or cause excessive network analysis tools (network analysis) in ArcGIS considers polyline polyline is not connected with others who are in the vicinity. This resulted in the determination of direction, best route, Closest facility, OD matrix and form the output to a network analyzer (Network Analysis) its accuracy can not be responsible for.Definition of TopologyTopology is a mathematical definition that describes the relationship between objects relative to one object to another. In GIS, topology is defined by the user according to the characteristics of data such as polyline, polygon and point / point. Every rule has the characteristics specified data / rulecertain. Rule or the rule by default has been provided by the GIS software. (Sudomo Ostip, S. Si - PT. Duta Informatics)Topology Rules (Rule of Topology)To produce the correct data in accordance with the concept of GIS, ArcGIS provides the facility to perform checking filtering (query) errors automatically and do the editing (validation) spatial and attribute. Can imagine how long it would take if we make an error checking manually. Editing topology can be conducted simultaneously or one by one according to the type of rule that we apply and appropriate to the type of correction is done. (Sudomo Ostip, S. Si - PT. Duta Informatics)To make corrections to the undershoot and overshoot topology rules that we use is a "must not have dangles"Creating topology and topology rules
To create a topology, data formats that are used but not the data shapefile data in geodatabase format, so you have to process the data conversion to shapefile to the geodatabase format.Here are the steps to create a topology and topology rules in ArcGIS 10. The first step open feature dataset in ArcCatalog then right-click and choose New and select a topology as shown in the image above.
After that will appear like the picture above, click Next and then select the feature class that will be in the correction (in this example its class feature is the way), because the only way we will do so only correction feature class road course that we check.
The next stage is to add rules or additional rules topology, as shown in the image above, click Add Rule select the rule / rules to be used in this tutorial are minutes away "must not have dangle" do not forget to specify its class features (roads).
The result as shown in the image above. You can make a rule or other rules of good topology feature class with the same or a different feature classes. Click next then the result is as shown below.
Editing of data error checking results of topology
Add / append data to the geodatabase feature class and also topologynya it will appear like the picture above, pink is a data error either undershoot or overshot, but we need to know not all of the data error. End of line vertices will also be red because the think is not connected with other lines.
Start editing and switch on the Topology toolbar as shown in the picture above.Topology toolbar as shown in the picture below, click on "Error Inspector" (far right button menu).
In this example the visible appearance of Inspector Error 1516 errors exist, and then click the Search Now button menu then all the data errors will appear as shown below.
Select all all the data errors that appear on the Error Inspector window is. Right-click it will be available several options for editing existing data error is a snap, extend or trim. In this mini tutorial I chose the option Extend to perform editing on existing undershoot.

After determining the choice of editing that will be used, the next is to determine the value of Maximum Distance, a suggestion not to fill the maximum distance that is too big because it can cause lines to be edited to change shape and direction.
Note:Topology can only process Geodatabase format, while the shapefile format is not supported.To rule "must not have dangle" not all point error that appears is but the tip of a vertex or dangle down the road will also be considered errors occurred dangles so not everything should be resolved.Back to cross check to see ternjadinya errors, change the direction of the line, and line shape changes due to topology correction