ESRI Training Services provides training materials online ArcGIS 10. Many of which you can access for free. One is training Editing in ArcGIS Desktop 10.
You can learn how editing in ArcGIS 10 using the template feature, how do the snapping settings when editing and follow the latest editing workflow in ArcGIS 10 which is slightly different from previous versions. Understanding how editing in ArcGIS 9.x will be easier for you to understand the online GIS course duration 3 hours.
To be able to follow courses that are available free online ArcGIS, you must already have an account ESRI. If not you can register in advance to get it. Online courses Editing in ArcGIS Desktop 10 available at this link. To have an account at ESRI can register at this link.
Here are some links about the mini-tutorial from ESRI Editing in ArcGIS 10. First a pamphlet in PDF format titled "Editing in ArcGIS 10: An Overview". An outline of the fundamental steps in ArcGIS editing operations 10. Also available online at ArcGIS Desktop Help 10.0 Library is a "Quick Tour of Editing". "The basics of the editing environment in ArcMap", available at link 10 ArcGIS Desktop Application Tutorials from the University of Maryland Libraries. While on Youtube, via channel ESRITV, you can see the six-minute video on Editing in ArcGIS 10.
You do not have ArcGIS 10? You can get a trial DVD software ArcGIS 10 full-functioning for 180 days (6 months) to buy one book Serial GIS Tutorial for ArcGIS 10. The book also features a CD that contains the sample data used as training material.