CITRA rectification using ArcGIS

Creating a posting yesterday GIS Download Image results from Google Maps utilizing the tools available in Global Mapper to perform image rectification. You could also use ArcGIS to perform rectification of satellite images or image downloaded from Google Maps.

In the video tutorial below show how to perform image rectification by taking the reference coordinates using Google Maps utilizing Maps Labs - LatLng Marker. The same manner used in the previous tutorial.
With reference coordinates from Google Maps, you are shown how to make rectification by utilizing the tool in ArcGIS Georeferencing

Projection maps in information systems

Shape of the earth which we see so far is a model who made the earth by man, sometimes there is a round sometimes elliptical. Tp is not really like that shape the earth, its shape is irregular. And though more easily ngegambarnya, eventually become more common round. And this round by making a flat map. His name is also a map, picture of the earth's surface in the plane

Because the earth's surface is not flat, curved arch alias irregular, but the maps need a picture of the plane, it would require the conversion of the actual field curvature of the earth onto a flat surface to prevent distortion of the earth's surface.

This nieh size of the earth in number

Ellipticity: 0003 352 9
Mean radius: 6,372.797 km
Equatorial radius: 6,378.137 km
Polar radius: 6,356.752 km
Aspect Ratio: 0996 647 1

equatornya radius is longer than the polar radius

Ever peel an orange? Bangat definitely hard to put the orange peel into a flat surface, but the orange peel all connected. who was also experienced by cartographers when mapping the earth's surface, they must move the geographical certain way, pull back and combine the parts together in order to connect a flat map. the map is no exception globe is distorted from the real world. For smaller areas, the distortion is not significant due to small areas in the globe looks like a flat surface. For larger areas or for purposes that require high accuracy, however the distortion is very important. Therefore we need a map projection. In the preparation of maps required a projection map which gives the relationship between the points on the earth with the maps, well-chosen projections which are required to have a small distortion.

In principle, the meaning of the projection map is an attempt to change the shape of curved to form a flat surface, with the requirements of a modified form that must be fixed, changed surface area should be fixed and the distance between one point to another point on the surface is modified to be fixed.

Map projections are the techniques used to describe partial or complete three-dimensional surface that is spherical kasaran into a flat two-dimensional surface with as little distortion as possible. In a map projection system that delivers pursued the relationship between the position of the points on the earth and on the map

to meet all three requirements change from curved to flat field bangat it was not possible, then there kompromi2 in using these terms, so came the various types of projections. Some common types of projection is a cylinder / tube (cylindrical), cone (conical), plane (zenithal) and composition (arbitrarry)

Type of projection that we often encounter everyday are spin projection, the projection is obtained through calculation. Type of projection is often used in Indonesia is the WGS-84 (World Geodetic System) and UTM (Universal Transverse Mercator)

WGS-84 (World Geodetic System) is the best for the overall geoid ellipsoid. Largest deviation between the geoid to WGS-84 ellipsoid is 60 m above and 100 m below it. When the size of the long axis of WGS-84 ellipsoid is 6,378,137 m with kegepengan 1/298.257, the largest deviation of this ratio is 1/100 000. Indonesia, like other countries, using the size of this ellipsoid for the measurement and mapping in Indonesia. WGS-84 "set, diimpitkan" obtained such that the smallest deviation in the archipelago of Indonesia. Impit point WGS-84 geoid in Indonesia with a datum known as Padang (relative geodetic datum) is used as a reference point in the national mapping. Genuk datum previously known in the area around Semarang to the Dutch created the mapping. Using the same ER - WGS 84, since 1995 Indonesia's national mapping using absolute geodetic datum. DGN-95. In this absolute datum system, ER center coincides with the center of the earth.

UTM projection is a projection map that many of the choosing and in use in mapping activities in Indonesia because of the ideal value syarat2 meet in accordance with the shape, location and extent of Indonesia. UTM specifications include (1) using a cutting cylinder area of ​​the globe on two standard meridian which has a scale factor k = 1, (2) The width of the zone of 6 ° was calculated from 180 ° West by zone numbers 1 through to 180 ° east by numbers zone 60. Each zone has its own central meridian, (3) each zone has its own central meridian with a magnification factor = 0.9996, (4) Boundary parallel top edge and bottom edge is 84 ° N and 80 ° S and (5) projected to be in conformity. According to Frans ( UTM using a cylinder which wraps ellipsoid with axes standing perpendicular to the cylinder axis ellipsoid (axis of rotation of the earth), so that the ellipsoid and the tangent cylinder is a line which coincides with the longitude on the ellipsoid. As a result, titik2 on the line lies in both fields, so that although his position is moved (projected), from ellipsoid to cylindrical, it will not change (distortion).

World UTM map

Geographic information systems and health system recovery Part 2

Geographic information systems and health system recovery Part 1

Generating post-disaster health system in general aims to restore and improve the system that ensures public health. This can be achieved if the government has the financial system to ensure people's access to health services without exception and to protect citizens through early detection and control of risk factors and causes of disease. It also comes with a health worker with a good work ethic and be in health facilities with a supportive environment, supported by people who have healthy behavior as well as services and infrastructure of society (NGOs, non-formal networks) more cooperative. A good health system should also be accompanied by the infrastructure and mechanisms to monitor performance and evaluate the effectiveness of the system itself.

Information and cooperation
If you want to quickly get up, health reconstruction effort depends on accurate information and good coordination between sectors.

Various parties have engaged in activities ranging from civil engineering, public health sciences, medicine, geography, geodesy, geology, information technology, pharmacy, nursing and others. At present, the question is how we can integrate it all? In the emergency phase of yesterday, most of the information flows quickly, it is not structured in the form teksual, narrative or graphic. In the reconstruction phase, we need a more structured data processing, informative, in-depth, either in the form of graphs, maps and other forms of analysis. So, in what form applications, health authorities (district and provincial levels) to monitor, for example, the progress of the reconstruction of health centers in easily? How did the health department that maintains immunization coverage? In addition, if high-risk pregnant women can still monitored for maternal and infant mortality rates are not under control?

Geographic information system
With the support of information technology advances such as this, one tool is the potential for integrating geographic information systems (GIS). Geographic information system is a set of arrangements and procedures that include software, hardware to process data / information in a spatial context (spatial) to support decision making. Although not a new thing (a John Snow has been used to map cholera in London in the 19th century), but with a wealth of data and information, as well as the sophistication of analysis methods, this device can provide a fresh new look in support, oversee, and improve the resurrection of the system health emergencies. Web-based application model is no longer a stand-alone applications are isolated and inconvenient to be updated.

With the Internet, GIS applications can combine different types of graphic media. Various health centers damaged images can be linked into the application. Satellite maps and aerial photos Jogja can be combined, in addition to geographic location coordinates of health facilities and refugee camps. Picture of disease morbidity in the form of thematic maps can also make it easier for decision makers (read: health districts / provinces and led health centers) in analyzing the epidemiological situation in their region.

Geographic Information Systems Data Management Oil and Gas Potential

Oil and gas (GAS) is a non-renewable natural resources (non-renewable), trapped in reservoir rocks and are formed through geological processes. The business activities of oil and gas field itself is an expensive investment and high risk. To reduce the risk of the oil and gas exploration activities needs to be done a number of phases of activity with various methods and technologies, ranging from the most basic and inexpensive to expensive in order to sort out potential areas that are still worthy of further development.

Investment in Oil and Gas activities will result in the addition of the volume and type of data, it would require an integrated data management system. Data integration a good oil and gas reserves will lead to efficiency in terms of both cost and time. Geographic Information Systems (GIS) is a tool serves to enhance the optimization of data related to the spatial or geographic coordinates either manually or automatically by a computer (digital).

Management of information-based oil and gas potential of GIS data will assist the government in policy making oil and gas fields and will also greatly help the community and investor oil and gas industry and its supporters in deciding. Results SIG communicative, informative and attractive will be more useful and capable as the basis for all parties to speed up the execution of his duty.

Manage the activities of the said data to produce;
Integrated oil and gas data
Data management of a comprehensive oil and gas fields
Optimization of each data field of oil and gas
Cost and time efficiencies in the acquisition of information.

With these results are expected to help decision makers and policy makers in taking decisions on oil and gas sector, will also facilitate and assist investors in their investment.

In general, the scope of the research was conducted pegumpulan secondary data and the use of technology for the preparation of the Information System Data Information System GeografisManajemen Gas Central Sumatra. GIS technology is used to explain and describe the aspects directly related to oil and gas exploration and production activities, the identification of baseline data related to upstream oil and gas activities.

The methods used in these activities using secondary data anlisis The discovery of reserves of Oil and Gas Activity Report FY 2002 and 2003. The outline of the implementation of such work in the flow chart (see GambarBagan flow).

Based on the data and conducted an inventory of existing information and identification. At this stage of data processing (rectification and digitization) inclusion of spatial data and tabular data all the coverage has not been organized. After all the spatial data information tabularnya equipped with data, all data are organized in thematic coverage as well as the circuit layer is spatially organized by map sheet. Each thematic layer is given the coordinates UTM (Universal Transverse Mercator). These coordinate systems provide a useful projection of the location to ensure a known relationship between the location on the map with the actual location on earth.

Other processes in the database management is the incorporation of adjacent maps, this process is useful to minimize the volume of space or space used by the coverage and provide more integrated information.

Development of Spatial Database

To develop GIS Oil and Gas Data Management needed a system that can store and display the results of the mapping data in the form of land information and testimony. Land information is very important in the management plan area and can deliver information to users about what to do with the land to achieve a particular goal.

SIG is one form of current information technology is used to optimize data on potential oil and gas in Central Sumatra, which is obtained by many different parties with different purposes. Capabilities can be used to compile a data base and integrate spatial data with attribute data, so the system can answer both questions of spatial and non spatial.

Strategy and planning phase of the system, using a soft-system approach to structured system development and de-velopment with emphasis padaidentifikasi problem (system) danperencanaan system.
System analysis phase, using a structured approach to system development to conduct a needs analysis that will be the prerequisite information data base to be constructed and functional analysis of the automation system will do

Data Storage File

In the planning stages of a system that performed structured data file or file structure based on the directories, sub directories, and layer / file. File directory organized by grouping according to the needs of others for Data Management of Oil and Gas Potential in Central Sumatra. Directory are:, blocks, oil and gas fields, subsurface data, and other supporting data (history of the field, production dancadangan). Each sub-directory directory dibagimenjadi, namely: raster, and gridding.

Raster: The file of map data and regional geological map of Sumatra Island

Gridding: grid system used (UTM grid system)

Infrastructure: The infrastructure, oil and gas block boundaries.

Oil and Gas Field: The oil and gas file, such as wells, oil field gas.

Data below the surface: The file of structure contour, isopach, log data.

Groups of data files that do not include the file above, or involving more than one directory, such as administrative region (city and district, the city as a center for oil and gas activities).

In the following figures show the results of the preparation of data files in the form of prints (print out) web interface.


Management functions related to oil and gas data management, particularly related to the discovery of reserves Block and Block Rokan CPP Phase I (Central Sumatra) are grouped into 7P, as follows:

Planning (Planning)
Organizing (Organising)
Storage (Saving)
Control and Supervision (Control-ling)
Communicating (Communicating)
Monitoring (Monitoring)
Integration (Integrating)

Inventory including field data collected oil and gas field located in the Central Sumatra Basin Block CPP. From the results of data collection there are 27 oil fields and two gas fields. While the report identified the Phase I Rokan Block 50 field.

In regard to the exploitation field are grouped into data per field. Groups of data from one field (field) are united in a single layer data (layer) so as to facilitate information materials used. In the chosen database management software (software) MapInfo, using the display data in HTML format (Hy per Text Markup Language).

File directory is based on the grouping for the calculation of oil and gas development strategy. Directory are: infrastructure, oil and gas facilities, space, and others.

Knowledge of GIS maps beraplikasi

Map is a conventional representation (miniature) of the elements (fatures) physical (natural and man-made) of part or all of the earth's surface in the media plane with a certain scale.
The geometric requirements to be met by a map so that it becomes an ideal map is:
1. The distance between the points located on the map should match the original distances in the
earth's surface (with particular attention to the scale factor).
2. Area of ​​an element that is represented on the map should correspond to the actual area (also
taking into account the scale).
3. Angle or direction of a line is represented on the map should correspond to the actual
direction (as in the earth's surface).
4. Form of an element that is represented on the map should correspond to the actual form (also
taking into account the scale factor).
In fact in the field is impossible to describe a map that meets all the criteria above, because the earth's surface is actually curved. Hence, in the projection of a curved surface shape of the earth into a flat field (paper) will be distorted. Therefore there will be criteria are not met.
Priority criteria in the map projection depends on the use of such maps in the field map used for example for Grid planning, then that will be our priority is the ideal criteria 1 and 3, while the campus plan that will map our digitization course criteria 2 and 4 are will take precedence.

SURVEY, terrestrial, and DIGITAL MAPPING

along with the activities of planning, studies, analyzes, and other needs. So that the required availability and presentation of map data in a timely, precise and accurate.

For these experiences to anticipate, supported by the development of computer technology, PT. ENVICON develop digital mapping services, ranging from analog data input (digitizing), updating the data until its presentation in the form of printed maps and geographic information system application program. Used mapping software tailored to the needs of service users in general, the software ARC / Info, ArcView, AutoCAD Map and MapInfo.

In addition to digital mapping, PT. ENVICON terrestrial mapping services also cater to the region boundary, field surveys, installation of a reference point and other field activities.

The field of Remote Sensing (Remote Sensing) and the application of Geographic Information Systems (GIS) is one of the specialties of PT. ENVICON. This field is used on some applications supporting programs such as ARC / Info, ArcView, MapInfo and ER Mapper. In addition to the completeness of the technical infrastructure, supported by multi-disciplinary staff of expert knowledge and specialized to allow PT. ENVICON to carry out the work of GIS applications in forestry, agriculture, plantations, transmigration and regional planning, and public works.

Analog and Digital Data

Especially for the activities of acquisition and processing of remote sensing data, PT. ENVICON currently partnering with several other companies as a distributor of digital data in Indonesia to serve any need for digital data such as Landsat Landsat, IKONOS, SPOT, RADARSAT and Small Format Aerial Photographs. In addition to image data, PT. ENVICON also has a collection of digital data and topographical maps artists thematic maps, such as the following.

1:250.000 scale topographic maps for all of Indonesia, in the form of spatial data and attributes to the village level, including contour data.
RBI 1:50,000 scale maps for some parts of Indonesia.
Area Map HPH / HTI 1:50,000 Scale Sumaerta island, Kalimantan, and Sulawesi.
Mix and match the map scale of 1:50,000 for some parts of Indonesia.
Contour maps in digital form some provinces, the scale of 1:25.000 - 1:50.000.
Digital Data Landsat TM 7-spot in some areas of the island of Sulawesi, Kalimantan, and Sumatra.
1:5,000 scale data Jakarta.
Digital Elevation Model (DEM) Indonesia.
GIS Software

(Operational Support and Training)
ESRI and MapInfo products are very popular in Indonesia. In addition to (possibly) because it is easy in operation, menus, and utilities are available, both products also have advantages in the conversion to other common GIS format. Both software can be used to display the data, enter data and produce print and digital data. All spatial data and tabular data can be processed by both the data record is already in the form of digital data. To the needs of GIS analysis, such as overlapping stacking map and its attributes, commonly used software is ARC Info. In addition to experts who have been familiar with the ARC info, also caused by this software has a more complex analysis capabilities compared with other GIS Software.

Program Application & Information Systems

In the era of globalization, information systems have an important role in the competition which requires the exchange of data quickly, accurately, and accurate. PT. ENVICON always follow the development of information systems through journals, newsletters, and internet networks.
With the support of professionals in the field of information systems and development, PT. ENVICON provide services in various fields of information systems, including the study and implementation planning, studies and training applications, the design of a system, as well as provide support for software or hardware needed.

One form of the development of this field is based on application programming and database information system geographic information system (GIS), and even merge the two systems in a GIS-based information system database. Information system applications that are developed must meet specific requirements for the planning, supervision, management, management, and evaluation of implemented activities. Programmers, systems analysts, database experts, supported by a reliable computer service and experienced, is one of the advantages of PT. ENVICON information systems within the scope of work.

GIS Application for Electrical System

In general, the electrical field of GIS applications can be used for electricity network inventory management, network planning next year, for example, determining the location of an electric substation, optimal network route, until the determination of the location of the customer service office.

GIS technology in the field of electricity applied to map the area / location of customers, network assets, and all information associated with customers and network assets. And in its development, data - this data can be tailored to the needs in the context of the development and implementation of the electricity infrastructure.

So that these activities can be held properly as it should be the data used should be adequate in the sense of complete, current, accurate and can be traced to any changes that occur (in any data updating any changes).
Basically the data is highly valuable corporate asset and should be treated carefully as the prevalence of enacting other corporate resources such as money and material. To ensure that the data used in this activity meets the requirements of standards, guidelines need to be prepared as well as a clear indication of how the data is formed / how changes are made and how to correct errors that occur when data is formed.
In addition to those already mentioned above, the application of GIS in the field of electricity is intended to:
a) Improve the efficiency and effectiveness are supported by accurate data, which is not only a
text data, but also supported by spatial data (spatial)
b) Increase speed in decision-making.
c) Improve monitoring especially in terms of information on the electrical network that is
running. For example, the addition / subtraction of assets, as well as monitoring the
movement of asset location.
d) The final goal of all of the above is to increase customer pelayananan.

LINKS spatial ST-KIT, ArcGIS extensions Spatial databse CONNECTION FOR FREE

ST-Links ArcGIS Spatial Kit is a free extension to connect to a PostGIS spatial database (PostgreSQL), SQL Server 2008/2008 R2, Oracle or MySQL without the required licenses ArcSDE. ST-Spatial Links Kit formerly named ST-Links PgMap.

ST-Spatial Links Kit version 3.0.4 is now available for ArcGIS 10 (last update on October 21, 2011) and Spatial Kit version 3.0.3 for users of ArcGIS 9.3. SpatialKit This replaces the previous version 3.0.x which is still called PgMap and QMap.
Here are the features on the ST-Spatial Links Kit:
Work with Postgresql / PostGIS, SQL Server 2008/2008 R2 spatial databases
Seamlessly integrates with ArcMap
Use spatial tables and / or views as ArcMap feature layers
Edit spatial database tables / views within ArcMap Editing Session
Support multi-connections, m
ulti-databases, and Various database systems
Persisting connections and layer information in map documents, and layer files
Align spatial reference identity codes with ArcMap spatial references
Support custom coordinate systems
Support SQL Server Geometry, Geography, and PostGIS geometry data types
Support 2D, 3D, and 4D (Z values, and M values)
Support Cross Schemas in spatial databases
Provide view extents and attribute settings for filtering query spatial data while mapping
Provide conversion and loading functions for spatial databases feature classes and tables
Compatible with all database functionalities and business data models
Help you centralize your spatial data in one format for different platforms and applications
Help you centralize your spatial data with enterprise business databases


I am not a Mac user, but I try melisting GIS software for the Mac. Here is the listing is:
OpenOSXGrass developed from the Open Source GRASS GIS software is very popular. All the functionality of GRASS can be done on this Mac version.
American AltaScena
AltaScena America is Mac OS X compatible topographic maps and aerial photographs that allow for downloading of data U.S. Geological Survey (USGS) from the Internet.
59-8 Interactive World Map
59-8 is interactive world map that displays all the countries in the world, big cities and small, flag, and the coordinates of the location; including charts and topographic maps.
AltaScena America
AltaScena America is a topographic map and aerial photo viewer that allows to download the U.S. Geological Survey (USGS) from the Internet.
ArcExplorer is a Mac OS X compatible as a viewer for the use of GIS data and basic GIS functions. Software can be used to display, and supports a variety of standard data sources. ArcExplorer can be used stand alone or be a client of a data center server on the Internet.
Atlas of Switzerland
Atlas of Switzerland has the feature maps and high interactivity with navigation, visualization and analysis functions. On the 2D over 650 maps covering the theme of weather and climate, geology and natural resources, land, water, ice & snow, landscape, flora and fauna. There are more than 350 maps stasitistik include social, economic, and political state, and Switzerland and Europe. On the 3D panorama and block diagrams can be combined with satellite maps, lakes, forests, settlements and glaciers-glaciers. In addition, fog, gradient of slope, aspect, visibility and profile of the area can be calculated and displayed.
Azimut is a map that is created as an add-on for Nemetschek Vectorworks. Has a topography with graphics. With one-button technique. You can create a map of a landscape project for cone-shaped standard map for a view from space, and distance from any point whatsoever.
Canvas 11 with GIS
Canvas 11 with GIS by integrating technology and features found in the Canvas Professional Edition with a series of GIS capabilities and management tools. Canvas 11 with GIS offers support for many industry standards including geospatial files and forms of support GeoTIFF file.
CartoBasic is a free mapping software. With drag and drop, you select the maps and data, and the immediate display of thematic maps. CartoBasic is an adequate tool for all users who do not have a lot of time and are not an expert in mapping.
Curious World Maps
Curious World Maps offers a way to make maps and geographical animations for TV and video.
Diversidad software
Diversidad software capable of displaying biological diversity of digital photographs of the earth like a satellite image or aerial photo. Diversidad scans an image of the Earth and identify all areas with the highest diversity. Once identified, the hot spot of biodiversity can be protected and managed appropriately.
GAIA (Geographic Access Image and Analysis) can display, manipulate, and analyze satellite imagery, scanned aerial photography, aircraft and any video, PICT or TIFF images. GAIA's focused on the ability to display satellite images including SPOT and Landsat imagery. GAIA has the ability to integrate data raster / vector (from MapGraphix and Microstation).
GMT is a free software, public domain collection of 60 UNIX tools that allow users to manipulate (x, y) and (x, y, z) data sets (including filtering, trend fitting, gridding, projecting, etc.) and produce Encapsulated PostScript File (EPS) ranging from simple images through the XY plot contour maps made to the illuminated surface and 3-D perspective views in black and white, and 24-bit. GMT supports 25 common map projections plus linear, log, and power scaling, and comes with support data such as beaches, rivers, and political boundaries. GMT works with Mac OS X.
Google Maps plugin
Google Maps Google Maps Plugin is a plug-in for Mac OS X.
GPSNavX is a solution for the cruise that you want to use the Mac as a tool for real-time location determination with full color graphics display. You can plug your GPS into the system Mac OS X and watch the boat moves along in real-time, plotting a track behind the boat and logging your position in the history of digital graphics. GPSNavX and does not require GPS to work with graphics.
G. Projectors
G. Create a global projection projectors, including the change of the input equirectangular map images (GIF, PNG). More than 80 map projections included in the package.

ip address mapping utility

If you read and practice the previous post about how to find the location of IP addresses using Google Earth, you should be critical, that the location of IP addresses at the point is not accurate. Have your own practice, you will surely find inaccuracies I mean.
The way I show it too, must go through two stages of steps that must be passed. Actually, two utility available on the web to show the location of an IP Address. IP Locator is the first and the second is the IP Mapper. For accuracy?
IP Locator is able to plot the location of IP addresses based on the input on the form provided. Plot the location indicated in the map-based Google Maps. You can export to KML if needed.

IP Mapper has its advantages, namely input multiple IP addresses. Another plus is the data export facilities, in addition to KML, also can be exported to CSV format, DXF, shapefile, or Tab-delimited plain text.

For the record, the IP address in the designated location is the "approximate coordinates" so its accuracy is also not exactly true. And again, the IP addresses in the input, may be the IP of the website hosting place is located, or the IP of the internet provider.


Someone made ​​a comment on the post Service Download Google Earth Image of her on behalf of the Digital Globe. Postings are not my show, but I noted the IP to the creator's comments. I want to know the location of the commentators are of the IP. To note, the blog with WordPress cms to enter any comments, the origin instead of the robot comment spammer, then the IP of the commentators will be linked from the admin email and blog owners are also contained in the page comments in admin dashboard.
To find the location of the commentators, simply copy the IP address that is linked then paste in the form contained at the following url: Press Enter or click the Submit button. These online tools will provide the coordinates of the location of the commentators in Geographic Decimal Degrees projection system. See the picture below.

Furthermore, by utilizing Google Earth, use the function add Placemark (softboard nails yellow icon) to indicate the precise location of the commentators. Confirm previous Lat / Long in Decimal Degrees Google Earth is, how to select Tools -> Options. In the 3D View tab, find the menu Show Lat / Long and then select Decimal Degrees. Click the Add Placemark icon, enter the coordinates obtained from the previous, on the form provided. Then click OK. Look at the picture.

Zoom in on the Placemark is given to know the location of the commentators. Easy is not it? You can also find out the IP sending email if you are using gmail. O yes, I mean the commentators above, Roxy Square is located in Jakarta.

Google Earth could be the first desktop application that can display Adsense ads

Google Earth could be the first desktop application that can display Adsense ads. Ads from Google Adsense to appear at least in two places at the Google Earth application. Take a look at the picture above.

I tried searching on Google Earth with the word "office in Jakarta". Search menu generates some immediate Placemark take me "to" to Jakarta. If you look at search results, the top of the Adsense ads that are marked with the words "Sponsored Links" (red arrow). It was the first location of the placement of Google Adsense in Google Earth.
The second location is on the Placemark produced in these searches. If you click on the Placemark icon, but will display the information / Placemark about the location, also displaying Adsense ads next to it (blue arrow).
Is Google breaking their own rules? FYI, Google does not allow the software developers to integrate AdSense in desktop applications they create. But in fact this could be a good bargain for the end user like us. In my opinion, no desktop application problems displaying ads on some of its space, provided the application is free and for official use. I mean imagine it? I imagine you could use the existing ArcGIS little advertising in it, but you use the software freely without fear of the license or the like. How do you think?


For specific needs, a user is not familiar with GIS and do not want to know how a GIS application can be generated, pragmatically, the user wants to perform on-screen map of the location he wants, can zoom in and zoom out, can display the location information and perform a simple query. To be able to meet it, a GIS Programmer will make a standalone GIS applications tailored to the needs of the user.

I've been playing around with the default from the ArcView Avenue Script 3.x to customize orders according to the end user. Later still there is a request to be made a standalone GIS applications, where the user does not want to know, how to make it and what is behind the application of GIS software later.
If you are still playing with Avenue The script, of course, have to play well with the legality of the software. But now there is an open source GIS software, which can be used as tools to customize so as to produce a standalone GIS application, which is free to use, not tied to the legality of the software. An example is MapWindow GIS Software. In addition to the Desktop as ArcView GIS 3.x, the MapWindow GIS ActiveX Control is also available MapWinGIS. By using this control, you can create your own version of your own GIS applications. Another example is gvSIG.
Desktop GIS Book blog in one of its news, shows how to create a GIS application you can make your own by using some Open Source GIS software follows:
QGIS 1.0
Qt 4.3 or higher and the development tools (Designer)
Python 2.3 or better

Geographic Information Systems and Remote Sensing Using ILWIS Open Source

World Agroforestry Centre (ICRAF) has published two books about GIS and PJ in PDF format which can be downloaded free of charge. The first book is "Geographic Information Systems and Remote Sensing Using ILWIS Open Source" and the second book is "Spatial Analysis for Integrated Planning Using ILWIS Open Source".

ICRAF through Rebuilding Green Infrastructure project (ReGrIn) in cooperation with the Agency of West Aceh has conducted training of Geographic Information Systems (GIS) and Remote Sensing (PJ) using ILWIS open source software for the management of natural resources (SDA). The second book is published training materials. The material is divided into two: the first book aimed at providing basic technical provisions PJ and SIG, while the second book is more geared kepana PJ and GIS applications for spatial planning and landscape-based natural resource management.
In the first book "Geographic Information Systems and Remote Sensing Using ILWIS Open Source" begins with the basic concepts are followed by the introduction of ILWIS software, which is a software remote sensing and GIS as well as open source. Chapters 4 and 5 cover on the input and output data from other systems into ILWIS and vice versa. The process of preparing images for subsequent processing (pre-processing) are discussed in chapters 6 and 7. Satellite image processing, image interpretation in this case into classes according to our needs, outlined in chapters 8 and 9. The last chapter briefly give some examples of advanced analysis based on the results obtained from image processing.
The second book "Spatial Analysis for Integrated Planning Using ILWIS Open Source" begins with the basic principles of planning with a variety of spatial analysis required for process planning (chapters 3-8). Subsequent chapters will discuss the analysis in the planning stages and several case studies that are strung together on stage. Data, examples and case studies drawn from West Aceh training materials, but the technique, phase analysis and scenarios and problems of representing circumstances most rural areas in Indonesia.


Location-based services can make wasteful consumption of battery run time when run in the background. That is why the Android using the controls that are specific to the use of a GPS chip in every device. There are several widgets that you can use to enable or disable the GPS feature of the home menu screen. We recommend that you enable the GPS just as you need (when navigating or open Google Maps) to avoid wasteful consumption of battery.

To turn the GPS on Android device, press the Home button so that you are on the home screen.
From the contextual menu on the home screen, select Settings.
Scroll down the Settings list and find settings for Location.
Here you have two choices to make the GPS settings.
Here are two options to set the GPS on Android devices. First Use of wireless networks, which will enable the ability to use your GPS device BTS towers or wifi network to determine the location (A-GPS: Assisted Global Positioning System, also read about A-GPS on this link) with an accuracy that depends on the presence of BTS and the wifi network. This option does not consume battery excessively.
Use the second option is the first GPS satellites to activate the GPS chip. This option is more accurate because of the location based on GPS satellites (like a real GPS device) but resulted in wasteful consumption of battery.


As from today, the latest version of ArcGIS Explorer Build 1200 is available for download. This version is an update from previous version Build 900 with several new features including the ability to access the Geoprocessing Tools and Models via ArcGIS Server.

To gain access to geoprocessing tools and models, simply fill out the URL ArcGIS Server, select the tools your publication, click to run it. Analysis Gallery provides an easy user to perform management and sharing tools the user to add.
ArcGIS Explorer also basemap gallery has been updated including the World Imagery, World Streets, and World Topographic basemaps. Features available include Bing Maps aerials, Hybrid, and Roads, which is available free of charge indefinitely without additional licenses.


ESRI has just released an update topographic maps of the world are compiled from several sources, such as the U.S. Geological Survey, U.S. Environmental Protection Agency, U.S. National Park Service, Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations, Tele Atlas, DeLorme and many others. Topographic maps from ESRI world which can be downloaded free of charge is designed to be used as a reference map for anyone, especially for GIS professionals.
Layers available include administrative boundaries, cities, water features and physiographic features. Available specifically for the U.S. even layer parks, landmarks, highways, roads, railways, airports, buildings overlaid on shaded relief and land cover imagery.
I've downloaded MXD file of the topographic map. In addition to the MXD format for ArcGIS Desktop is available also file LYR and 3DD. You can also download directly from ArcMap (must be connected to the internet), namely from the File menu -> Add Data From Resource Center. You will be delivered to the ArcGIS Resources Center where you can download topographic maps of this world, or other maps, such as World Imagery Map.
The downloaded image above topographic map of the world for Indonesia. I also tried setting the 1:250.000 scale, where the road layer, name the city and region, as well as the high point of the contour lines can be seen and certainly the appearance of three-dimensional relief.

ST-Links ArcGIS Spatial Kit

ST-Links ArcGIS Spatial Kit is a free extension to connect to a PostGIS spatial database (PostgreSQL), SQL Server 2008/2008 R2, Oracle or MySQL without the required licenses ArcSDE. ST-Spatial Links Kit formerly named ST-Links PgMap.

ST-Spatial Links Kit version 3.0.4 is now available for ArcGIS 10 (last update on October 21, 2011) and Spatial Kit version 3.0.3 for users of ArcGIS 9.3. SpatialKit This replaces the previous version 3.0.x which is still called PgMap and QMap.
Here are the features on the ST-Spatial Links Kit:
Work with Postgresql / PostGIS, SQL Server 2008/2008 R2 spatial databases
Seamlessly integrates with ArcMap
Use spatial tables and / or views as ArcMap feature layers
Edit spatial database tables / views within ArcMap Editing Session
Support multi-connections, m
ulti-databases, and Various database systems
Persisting connections and layer information in map documents, and layer files
Align spatial reference identity codes with ArcMap spatial references
Support custom coordinate systems
Support SQL Server Geometry, Geography, and PostGIS geometry data types
Support 2D, 3D, and 4D (Z values, and M values)
Support Cross Schemas in spatial databases
Provide view extents and attribute settings for filtering query spatial data while mapping
Provide conversion and loading functions for spatial databases feature classes and tables
Compatible with all database functionalities and business data models
Help you centralize your spatial data in one format for different platforms and applications
Help you centralize your spatial data with enterprise business databases


ArcGIS 10 provides Data Driven Pages feature, so you can easily create a map book of a document folder or project folder. ESRI has provided a tutorial how to create a map book using Data Driven Pages feature in terms of video that can be accessed online.

In the webinar (seminar on access to online in a web page) how to create a map book using Data Driven Pages feature in ArcGIS 10, the presenter also shows how to make the index layer of an existing feature layer as well as how to add dynamic text and locator map.


Map is a partial picture of the earth's surface in a smaller scale and contain any kind of information about mukabumi concerned.
General Map, which describes the earth's surface in general. Usually referred to as topographic maps or some call Topographic Map, as this map illustrates the "face" face of the earth, both physical reality (nature), such as mountains, valleys, rivers, and so on, as well as the appearance of such cultural settlements, roads, and so on. In simple terms a topographic map is a map which describes the appearance of almost all-natural appearance and the appearance of cultural (man-made) that is in the earth's surface scale as far as possible, and presented expeditiously as possible.
Special maps, which describe the special appearance at the earth's surface or appearance of which have anything to do with the earth's surface. This particular map is known as thematic maps because they show only a specific theme, depending on the information to be conveyed. If the information is the information of land, it is called soil maps, if the information is climate information, climate maps it is called, and so forth.
Navigation maps, which are usually referred to as special, ie charts. This map is a special use for the benefit of navigation, such as sea and air navigation.
Excerpts of the above is the notion of maps contained in the e-book How to Read and Use Maps are available free for download (download link at the end of this post). Benefits to be derived from reading maps to very diverse range of applications, the ability to read topographic maps that continue to be trained, one will be able to feel a variety of information that can benefit the individual or others, to hobbies or interests to support the work. With practice and hone skills in reading maps and navigation, so maybe someone find new methods are more practical and easier than those presented in this module.

the location of U.S. combat aircraft wreckage.

Here is a picture of GeoEye-1 satellite image dated 21 November 2009 record that shows the location of U.S. combat aircraft wreckage.

Tesebut planes, lined up very neatly and form patterns that arguably beautiful. The image above can be downloaded in high resolution format from GeoEye-1 through or click on the image above.

If you look at the picture above when seen from Google Maps or Google Earth, the more you zoom in, the more it will be seen that the actual aircraft such as the bones are separated from each other, but in the neat stacking.

SRTM DEM data processing

DEM (Digital Elevation Model) is a digital terrain model memperesentasi elevation of the earth's surface. DEM broadly divided into two DSM (Digital Surface Model) and DTM (Digital Terrain Model) if in view of the data acquisition process. There are many sources of data that can produce diantaran DEM SRTM, JERS, and IFSAR.
SRTM image of an image can be obtained for free by downloading. However, keep in perhatiakan bawasannya SRTM image of the right is on the mainland alone. In the sea area of ​​more than zero value encountered that which menjadikann SRTM data on marine areas can not be used for data input. Ideal conditions in the ocean of Regional elevation or height value is TNOL, that comfort is a reference sea level height in the earth's surface.
Excess free SRTM data can be used for various analyzes. However, sometimes the SRTM data are met Patch Missing Data. It was necessary for the correction or removal of the patch of missing data for SRTM data is feasible to use. Selian's original format SRTM data. HGT in which the format is not all GIS software including ArcGIS 9.x can be opened to the need for format conversion of data into geotif.
Application of DEM data is pretty much his DEM data which can be used as input for the creation of digital maps of slope. Selian the DEM data can also be used for field analysis of a region. DEM data are mempersentasikan height field can also be used to create contour maps with notes reolusi vertical DEM must consider that in use.

A. Enable 3dem program by clicking on the desktop of your computer if you do not have please download free at "
2. Click on File> Load Terrain> select 'SRTM data'> select the file that you want if / remove paths

3. Click F7 or click the tool 'operation'> Patch Missing Data

4. Then drag the data will be removed patch missing data

5. Box selected areas that would in the patch by using the mouse and press enter

6. So that data can be opened in ArcGIS 9.3, the SRTM data. HGT need to change to the format. Geotif by selecting File> Save GeoTIFF DEM> specify the name of his GeoTiff file (eg: Latihan.tif)

SRTM data processing ON ArcGIS 9.3

7. Activate the ArcGIS program, and then open the exercise files that look just a black box. 2x click on the layer Bali.tif> symbology> select 'classified'> apply

Note: In the SRTM data is only just the right land, land that is not improper

8. Enable extensions "3D Analyst" and "Spatial Analyst" and then click Spatial Analyst> Raster Calculator> Int ([Bali.tif])> evaluate to remove the minus in this case the value of minus -57

9. Once the minimum value of 0 then the DEM data can be used for analysis

System Clearinghouse

2.1 The National Spatial Data Infrastructure (IDSN)
As a provider of data transport and digital spatial information,
IDSN development is expected to create a new communication pattern
the dissemination of spatial data and information that can be quickly
reach all levels of society. Toward the construction of IDSN include five pillars
main, namely:
a) Institutional (Institutional Aspect)
b) Legislation Regulations (Legal Aspect)
c) Key Data (Geospatial Data)
d) Science & Technology (Research & Development)
e) HR (Human Resource Development)
legal Aspect
Human Resource
Institutional Aspect
Research &
Figure 1 Field Settings IDSN 5

These five main pillars supporting the establishment of IDSN inseparable pillars
with the other pillars, therefore the five pillars are interrelated. Each pillar requires the support of the other pillars. One of the pillars
IDSN supporters called Main Data is a pillar of
establish and coordinate the construction of primary data (fundamental data sets)
with emphasis on the activities include:
a. Standard-setting main data products and data bases
b. Standard-setting procedures and data acquisition network
c. Preparation of standard protocols and data distribution system of the main access
The most fundamental pillars to be built in the main data is to manage the data in order
can be easily accessed and distributed in accordance with the specific purpose
and the public by anyone in need. System to be built
is referring to the system known as the Clearinghouse system.

Spatial Data Model

A. Spatial Data Model
GIS is the data that controls the spatial data. Any functionality that makes the GIS environment is distinguished from other analyzes is that rooted in the authenticity of spatial data [Hur03].

Explain the phenomenon of spatial data related to geographic location relative to the earth's surface (georeferenced) digital format from the appearance of the map, the shape coordinate points, and symbols that define the elements of drawing (cartography), and is associated with the attribute data stored in tables -table for an explanation of the spatial data (georelational data structure).

Spatial data models fall into two basic categories, namely model vector data and raster data model. The following will explain both the spatial data model.

A.1 Vector Data Model
Vector data model represents each feature into a row in the table and form features defined by the point x, y in space. These features may have different characteristics or location of points, lines or polygons. [Hur03].

Locations such as customer address is represented as a point which has a pair of geographic coordinates. Lines, such as rivers or roads, represented as a series of coordinate pairs. Polygon defined by the boundary and is represented by a closed polygon. All that can be defined legally, such as packages of ground; administrative, such as counties. When analyzing the data vector, most of the analysis involves the attributes of the table data layer.

Three kinds of vector data model is:

A. Point (point)

Point is the simplest graphical representation for an object [Hur03]. This representation does not have the dimensions but can be identified on the map and can be displayed on the monitor screen by using symbols.

Object representation point
2. Line (line)

The line is a linear form that will connect at least two points and used to present the two-dimensional objects [Hur03]. Objects or entities that can be represented by lines such as roads, rivers, power lines, water lines.

Object representation of lines
3. Polygons (polygons)

Polygons used to represent two-dimensional objects, eg: Island, the administrative area, the boundaries of land parcels is an entity that is generally represented as a polygon. At least one polygon bounded by three lines of three points that converge to form the field. Polygon has a broad spatial properties, roving isolated or connected to the other, incised (pun intended), and overlapping.

A.2 Raster Data Model
Raster data model represents features in the form of a continuous matrix. Each layer represents one attribute (although other attributes can be incorporated into the cell matrix). Spatial entities are stored in the raster layer functionality that is related by elements of the map. Examples of raster spatial entities are sources of satellite imagery (eg Ikonos).

Representation Raster Data
B. Non-Spatial Data Model
Non-spatial data is data that represent aspects of the description of the phenomenon being modeled that includes items and properties, so that the information submitted will be more diverse. Examples of non-spatial data are: Name of the District, total population, number of male population, number of female residents, district name, address of government offices, web site address, name of the mountain.