ESRI has just released an update topographic maps of the world are compiled from several sources, such as the U.S. Geological Survey, U.S. Environmental Protection Agency, U.S. National Park Service, Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations, Tele Atlas, DeLorme and many others. Topographic maps from ESRI world which can be downloaded free of charge is designed to be used as a reference map for anyone, especially for GIS professionals.
Layers available include administrative boundaries, cities, water features and physiographic features. Available specifically for the U.S. even layer parks, landmarks, highways, roads, railways, airports, buildings overlaid on shaded relief and land cover imagery.
I've downloaded MXD file of the topographic map. In addition to the MXD format for ArcGIS Desktop is available also file LYR and 3DD. You can also download directly from ArcMap (must be connected to the internet), namely from the File menu -> Add Data From Resource Center. You will be delivered to the ArcGIS Resources Center where you can download topographic maps of this world, or other maps, such as World Imagery Map.
The downloaded image above topographic map of the world for Indonesia. I also tried setting the 1:250.000 scale, where the road layer, name the city and region, as well as the high point of the contour lines can be seen and certainly the appearance of three-dimensional relief.