A. Definition of Remote Sensing (Remote Sensing):
Here are the Senses much sense according to some experts
· Remote sensing (remote sensing), namely the use of radiation sensors record images elektromagnetikuntuk Earth's environment that can be interpreted sehinggamenghasilkan useful information (Curran, 1985).
· Remote Sensing (remote sensing) is the science and art of obtaining information about an object area, or phenomenon through the analysis of data obtained with an instrument without direct contact with the object, area, or phenomenon that were examined (Lillesand and Kiefer, 1998)
· Everett and Simonett (1976): Remote sensing is a science, because there is a certain systematic order to analyze the information from the earth's surface, this knowledge must be coordinated with several other scientific experts such as geology, soil, urban, and so forth.
· Remote sensing (remote sensing), which is a measurement or acquisition of data padaobjek on the surface of the earth from a satellite or other instrument in for much of the object yangdiindera (Colwell, 1984). Aerial photographs, satellite imagery and radar imagery is beberapabentuk remote sensing.
· Remote sensing (remote sensing), the science to get information about the Earth's surface such as land and water of the image obtained from a distance (Campbell, 1987). It is usually associated with the measurement of reflectance or emission of electromagnetic waves from an object.
· Remote sensing (remote sensing), namely, science and technology in the art of obtaining information about objects or phenomena in the (near) surface of the earth through the medium of recording objects or phenomena that harness energy from electromagnetic waves and achieve results in the form of image recording. (personal description)
2. Basic concepts of Remote Sensing (Remote Sensing)
The basic concept of remote sensing consists of several components including sources of energy, atmosphere, staff interaction with objects in the earth's surface, sensor, data processing system, and a variety of data usage
3. Benefits of Remote Sensing of the various disciplines:
Forestry sector with respect to forest management for timber, including timber harvesting planning, monitoring, logging and reforestation, wildlife management and enumeration, inventory and monitoring of forest resources, recreation, and fire control. The physical condition of the forest is very susceptible to fire hazards is the use of infrared imagery would be very helpful in providing data and information in the context of continuous monitoring of temperature change with an adequate geographical aspects of the implementation on the ground that can be done very easily and quickly.
Inventory of land use is important to know whether the mapping of land by human activities in accordance with the potential or carrying capacity. Appropriate land use achieves good results, but gradually the results obtained will fall as the potential and carrying capacity of the land. Integration of remote sensing technology is one of the potential function guidance in the preparation of land use. Basic use of the land can be developed for various purposes of research, planning, and regional development. For example the use of land for agriculture or farming settlements.
Map image is the image that has been geographically referenced so it can be considered as a map. Spatial information presented in the map images are raster data derived from satellite imagery recording the results of natural resources continuously. Image maps provide all the information recorded on the earth without any generalization.
The role of the map image (map space) in the future will be essential in order to accelerate the availability of base maps and the determination of needs that are not yet able to cover the entire national territory on a global scale with the latest information (up to date). Image maps have the advantage of information on regular maps. This is because the image is a real picture of the earth's surface, while the regular maps and the selection is made based on generalizations or man-made landscapes. For example the base maps and soil maps.
Benefits of remote sensing in the field of meteorology is as follows.
a. Observe the climate of a region through the observation of virginity and the level of water content in the air.
b. Help weather analysis and forecasting / prediction by determining the area of high pressure and low pressure as well as local storms and cyclones
mMengamati system / surface wind patterns.
d. Perform modeling of meteorological and climatological data sets.
E. FIELD Oceanography (SEASAT)
Benefits of remote sensing in the field of oceanography (marine) are as follows.
a. Observed physical properties of the sea, such as surface temperature, surface currents, and salinity of visible light (0-200 m).
b. Observing the ocean tides and waves (height, direction, and frequency).
c. Finding the location of upwelling, singking and distribution of surface temperature.
d. Study changes in the beach, erosion, and sedimentation (LANDSAT and SPOT).
F. Hydrological (LANDSAT / ERS, SPOT)
Benefits of remote sensing in hydrology is as follows.
a. Monitoring of watershed and river conservation.
b. Mapping of the river and river sedimentation studies.
c. Monitoring the intensity of the flood area.
Benefits of remote sensing in the field of geophysics, geology, and geodesy are as follows.
a. Mapping the surface, in addition to a photo shoot with the aircraft and using GIS applications.
b. Determine the geological structure and the kinds of rocks.
c. To monitor the disaster (fire), monitoring of volcanic activity, and monitoring the spread of volcanic dust
d. To monitor the distribution of natural resources such as forests (location, type, density, and destruction), minerals (uranium, gold, petroleum, and coal).
e. Monitoring of marine pollution and oil layers in the ocean.
f. Monitoring air pollution and marine pollution. (Dra. Sri Hartati Soenarmo MSP, 1993)
Here are the Senses much sense according to some experts
· Remote sensing (remote sensing), namely the use of radiation sensors record images elektromagnetikuntuk Earth's environment that can be interpreted sehinggamenghasilkan useful information (Curran, 1985).
· Remote Sensing (remote sensing) is the science and art of obtaining information about an object area, or phenomenon through the analysis of data obtained with an instrument without direct contact with the object, area, or phenomenon that were examined (Lillesand and Kiefer, 1998)
· Everett and Simonett (1976): Remote sensing is a science, because there is a certain systematic order to analyze the information from the earth's surface, this knowledge must be coordinated with several other scientific experts such as geology, soil, urban, and so forth.
· Remote sensing (remote sensing), which is a measurement or acquisition of data padaobjek on the surface of the earth from a satellite or other instrument in for much of the object yangdiindera (Colwell, 1984). Aerial photographs, satellite imagery and radar imagery is beberapabentuk remote sensing.
· Remote sensing (remote sensing), the science to get information about the Earth's surface such as land and water of the image obtained from a distance (Campbell, 1987). It is usually associated with the measurement of reflectance or emission of electromagnetic waves from an object.
· Remote sensing (remote sensing), namely, science and technology in the art of obtaining information about objects or phenomena in the (near) surface of the earth through the medium of recording objects or phenomena that harness energy from electromagnetic waves and achieve results in the form of image recording. (personal description)
2. Basic concepts of Remote Sensing (Remote Sensing)
The basic concept of remote sensing consists of several components including sources of energy, atmosphere, staff interaction with objects in the earth's surface, sensor, data processing system, and a variety of data usage
3. Benefits of Remote Sensing of the various disciplines:
Forestry sector with respect to forest management for timber, including timber harvesting planning, monitoring, logging and reforestation, wildlife management and enumeration, inventory and monitoring of forest resources, recreation, and fire control. The physical condition of the forest is very susceptible to fire hazards is the use of infrared imagery would be very helpful in providing data and information in the context of continuous monitoring of temperature change with an adequate geographical aspects of the implementation on the ground that can be done very easily and quickly.
Inventory of land use is important to know whether the mapping of land by human activities in accordance with the potential or carrying capacity. Appropriate land use achieves good results, but gradually the results obtained will fall as the potential and carrying capacity of the land. Integration of remote sensing technology is one of the potential function guidance in the preparation of land use. Basic use of the land can be developed for various purposes of research, planning, and regional development. For example the use of land for agriculture or farming settlements.
Map image is the image that has been geographically referenced so it can be considered as a map. Spatial information presented in the map images are raster data derived from satellite imagery recording the results of natural resources continuously. Image maps provide all the information recorded on the earth without any generalization.
The role of the map image (map space) in the future will be essential in order to accelerate the availability of base maps and the determination of needs that are not yet able to cover the entire national territory on a global scale with the latest information (up to date). Image maps have the advantage of information on regular maps. This is because the image is a real picture of the earth's surface, while the regular maps and the selection is made based on generalizations or man-made landscapes. For example the base maps and soil maps.
Benefits of remote sensing in the field of meteorology is as follows.
a. Observe the climate of a region through the observation of virginity and the level of water content in the air.
b. Help weather analysis and forecasting / prediction by determining the area of high pressure and low pressure as well as local storms and cyclones
mMengamati system / surface wind patterns.
d. Perform modeling of meteorological and climatological data sets.
E. FIELD Oceanography (SEASAT)
Benefits of remote sensing in the field of oceanography (marine) are as follows.
a. Observed physical properties of the sea, such as surface temperature, surface currents, and salinity of visible light (0-200 m).
b. Observing the ocean tides and waves (height, direction, and frequency).
c. Finding the location of upwelling, singking and distribution of surface temperature.
d. Study changes in the beach, erosion, and sedimentation (LANDSAT and SPOT).
F. Hydrological (LANDSAT / ERS, SPOT)
Benefits of remote sensing in hydrology is as follows.
a. Monitoring of watershed and river conservation.
b. Mapping of the river and river sedimentation studies.
c. Monitoring the intensity of the flood area.
Benefits of remote sensing in the field of geophysics, geology, and geodesy are as follows.
a. Mapping the surface, in addition to a photo shoot with the aircraft and using GIS applications.
b. Determine the geological structure and the kinds of rocks.
c. To monitor the disaster (fire), monitoring of volcanic activity, and monitoring the spread of volcanic dust
d. To monitor the distribution of natural resources such as forests (location, type, density, and destruction), minerals (uranium, gold, petroleum, and coal).
e. Monitoring of marine pollution and oil layers in the ocean.
f. Monitoring air pollution and marine pollution. (Dra. Sri Hartati Soenarmo MSP, 1993)