Data is indispensable need for disaster management, particularly in the context of integrated development and planning, with a good database will make disaster management more effective and time efficient. For example, after the disaster buildings were reported damaged and there were thousands. Each building needs to be evaluated separately to determine the extent of damage to buildings was terbaiki (severe) or can be fixed. After that can be combined with other data to reduce the reconstruction zone. One major advantage in the integration of remote sensing and Geographic Information Systems can be modeled is a hazard-prone zones that can be used for the construction of future decision makers with insight into the disaster.
Remote sensing data obtained from satellites is a good technique for mapping the disaster area that describes the spatial distribution in a given period. Satellite systems are many differences today, with the characteristics of spatial resolution, temporal, and spectral certain. Remote sensing data can be related with other data, so it can also be used for the presentation of data disaster. Methods of data acquisition can be in 2 ways, namely by visual interpretation and digital image processing techniques such as classification.
Disaster management requires knowledge of other disciplines and the need of integration. Through data integration and discipline specific areas would strengthen the SIG. Examples of application of the results of such integration include:
Remote sensing data obtained from satellites is a good technique for mapping the disaster area that describes the spatial distribution in a given period. Satellite systems are many differences today, with the characteristics of spatial resolution, temporal, and spectral certain. Remote sensing data can be related with other data, so it can also be used for the presentation of data disaster. Methods of data acquisition can be in 2 ways, namely by visual interpretation and digital image processing techniques such as classification.
Disaster management requires knowledge of other disciplines and the need of integration. Through data integration and discipline specific areas would strengthen the SIG. Examples of application of the results of such integration include:
- Data disaster phenomena such as landslides, floods, earthquakes, the location information of events, frequency, and magnitude
- Data environment in which the disaster occurred: topography, geology, geomorphology, soils, hydrology, land use, vegetation, etc.
- Data elements that are destroyed by the disaster: infrastructure, housing, population, social, economic and so on
- Data sources for help such as hospitals, fire, government offices, and so forth.
Satellite data use for disaster management using many resources satellite (Earth Resource Satellites) and satellite weather / meteorology (meteorological satellites). Resource satellite with polar orbit system that could be used, namely:
a. Satellite with an optical sensor, which can not penetrate clouds with a low resolution (AVHRR), medium (LANDSAT, SPOT, IRS), and high spatial resolution (IKONOS)
b. Satellites with microwave, which can penetrate clouds, with such high resolution Synthetic Aperture Radar (SAR) (RADARSAT, ERS, JERS) and low-resolution passive sensors (SSMI).
While meteorological satellites are often used for disaster applications include:
a. Geostationary orbit (GOES: METEOSAT, GMS, INSAT, GOMS) produces a wave image visible (VIS) and infrared (IR) every half hour
b. Polar orbit (POES: NOAA and SSM / I), circled the earth twice a day and provide the VIS and IR imagery, and microwaves.
With the ability to record the incident and the level of detail and specific abilities as well as the return period specified remote sensing data can be used in disaster management.
Based on some remote sensing and GIS capabilities over the use in disaster management or disaster management, some basic things that can be inferred from such integration, are:
a. Data of natural disasters (natural disaster) can be spasialkan
- The majority of information is the spatial / space and can be recorded and mapped
- Data generated a variety of organizations can basically be used and shared.
b. Integration of Remote Sensing and GIS can be used in managing and visualization of data
- Data can be collected, organized, analyzed, and displayed
- Visualization of an emergency or disaster situations effectively
- Bring lots of sources of information on a focus (consolidated data).
c. Integration of Remote Sensing and Geographic Information Systems can be used in spatial analysis and modeling
- Analyse and estimate the condition (before, during, after) natural disasters
- Knowing where and how to respond to disasters
- Knowing well that is a hazardous area locations through a process of analysis and modeling.
IV. Tools and Materials
4.1. Tool:
A. Computer
2. ArcGIS 9.3 software
4.2. Ingredients:
A. Data in the Directory D :/ Merapi_SIG
Exercise carried out in this workshop include the use of GIS mapping (Mapping), monitoring (Monitoring), and Measurement (Measurement), among other things:
A. Making GIS Data from measurements in the field of geographic phenomena, namely the location of the late House. Mbah Marijan
2. Merapi Danger Zone-making through a buffer with a distance of 10 km, 15 km and 20 km
3. Querying spatial data is available either single or multiple data the data
4. Monitoring the heat-affected areas of cloud and cold lava eruption of Mount Merapi
5. Measurement strip and residential areas affected pertanaian cloud eruption of Mount Merapi Heat
The workshop on the flow diagram set forth in the workshop below (Figure 5):