Waste disposal of coal is incidental to the production and exploitation of coal processing 10% -20% of raw coal production. In China, there are a large number of coal from a large number of coal mining operations. In most cases, the coal stacked continuously with the exploitation and processing of coal. As a result of the disposal pile of coal or coal waste piles. Piles of coal waste disposal problem has recently grown. runoff and seepage from the pile of coal at the disposal of acid and other contaminants to surface water and surrounding soil. In addition, dust and spontaneous combustion products continue to degrade air quality, causing water pollution and air pollution. Thus causing a problem of land occupation, pollution of soil and vegetation damage. As a result of mining operations, which are considered as factors that cause serious damage to local environment issues. With this may monitor the disposal of coal heap in their respective places of spatial information which serves as basic information for future evaluation of the environmental and ecological restoration. With the survey can be obtained by the local coal mines and the location, service by developing the characteristics of collapse and crack. With GIS, we can make an initial evaluation to determine the stability and intensity.
From 1995 to 2000, the U.S. Geological Survey (USGS) conducted assessments of coal with coal zone is expected to generate most of the coal for the next few decades. Coal seams and coal zone models are produced in each region.

Research Methods Based on Remote Sensing and GIS, spatial information extraction major coal waste piles that support the evaluation of environmental and ecological restoration, which is the 2D surface area and volume. Meanwhile, the DEM was established as the center and the bridge for the extraction of spatial information. Various approaches to the extraction of spatial information using remote sensing imagery has been developed and implemented on a serial computer. Based on remote sensing image and the previous contours derived from pre-processing of raw remote sensing images and topographic maps, image interpretation and three-dimensional analysis carried out in order to obtain Interest Area (AOT) and Digital Elevation Models (DEM). Further calculation of spatial information is a pile of coal waste disposal is therefore based on the AOI and DEM under the GIS platform operation. ArcGIS and selected as the software Erdas GIS and RS software, respectively, both from ESRI.
Plan Area: One of the most useful basic GIS allows the operator the production of thematic layers of information summary. With raster data, GIS system is the value obtained by calculating the sum of the values ​​of each cell, then multiplying by the area of ​​each unit. In a vector system, the calculation is performed based on the geometry of the polygon. Data provided in this study are raster data and therefore the method of calculating raster data plan is adopted. Raster calculation system is usually faster in operation than the calculation of the vector system. Nevertheless, it should be noted that when we are effectively 'count cells', they suffer from quantization errors, which will be larger with lower resolution. With regard to the raster data used in this study, data builds on the DEM with 1m equidistance map table, which is derived from large-scale topographic maps 1:1000, while the remote sensing images photographed by air-born platforms with a resolution of 0.5m. As a result, the problem of low quantization error can be ignored.

In 1999 there were far more images of small coalmines, but the scale of the image is too small, and smaller coalmines' locations and ranges can not be determined effectively. Aerial photography in June 2005 has been solid vegetation coverage, and fell seriously interfere with the plant, but they reflected the black deposits such as coal piles, coal washing spots abandoned coalmines and tiny clear. Since 1998, local government has launched a series of actions against small mines, such as closure, abortion, combination, and rectification, making lots of small coalmines completely lost from the soil. But in the Quickbird image prior to 2005, the distribution of almost all can coalmines Interpreting the surface collapses, cracks and small coalmines of remote sensing images we mainly depend on the features of the image (ie the spectral features: tone and color) and spatial characteristics (shape, size, shadow, texture , graphics, location and layout). Comprehensive analysis and reasoning of various related non-remote sensing information (such as topographic maps, map the distribution of known mined areas, the old sailor, survey maps of geological disasters in the past, etc.) combined with changes in surface elevation also plays an important role . In the process of interpretation, the use of stereoscopy image interpretation and processing of images and visual effects enhance the precision of the results effectively.
Available estimates by means of Coal Mining Methods to estimate the available coal mining method begins with a GIS layer was developed by the Northern Appalachian Basin coal assessment team; add a layer to apply the criteria required minability minability develop and apply criteria to determine the maximum amount of available coal; apply social and environmental restrictions for coal set aside, and apply a minimum size of mining block to identify and set aside the remaining adjacent to the coal that is too small and not economically viable for development. The end result of applying the tool is a digital map and data that identify the block of coal in the Pittsburgh coal seam remaining available for mining by certain mining technology. Only a brief description of the application of this tool is provided in this paper. Watson (2002) provide additional details about the use of tools and reports the results of additional samples for Pittsburgh coal bed. Basic Assessment GIS GIS Layer the following layers, prepared by the Northern Appalachian Basin coal assessment team, used to mark the location and quantity of coal Pittsburgh:
(1) the amount of coal resource area.
(2) the remaining area of ​​coal resources.
(3) the extent of the mined area,
(4) coal isopach thickness.
(5) structure contours.
Five constraints are applied in a GIS analysis to describe available for coal mining. First, all the remaining coal is less than 12 in. in thickness were identified and removed from consideration for any application for the mining of coal is generally thin I was not economical. Second, 50 ft horizontal safety barrier placed around the historical ditambangdaerah and coal remaining in the safety barrier is set aside by the analysis to simulate industrial safety practices and regulations. Third, GIS buffering and classification method was applied to remove the coal in restricted areas and buffers around the restricted areas (Suffredini and others, 1994; Rohrbacher and others, 1993, 2000). Fourth, technical considerations, for example, coal thickness, overburden depth, and dip, especially for technologies applied to coal mining when it was described to them the technology. Fifth, in order to meet the operational efficiency in the mining, graded coal blocks are required to have a minimum amount of coal