Helps the Blind, UGM Students Develop tactual maps and Blind Sonar

The existence of such special maps tactual maps that use Braille (embossed) for persons with visual impairment has not been utilized. Though the existence of this much-needed tactual maps for blind people. Even if there are maps for blind people is still common in nature and not detail. This is what attracted five students from the Department of Cartography and Remote Sensing, Faculty of Geography to promote and develop tactual maps that have previously been made force their sister, Ika Noormuslichah.

The fifth student is a student, the Latitude Galih Sukma, Fedhi Astuti Hartoyo, Erna Indah Sari Noor, Nur Iman Sigit Wibowo and Imron Rosyadi. These five students develop ideas and ideas through Student Creativity Program (CRP)-M for the field of community service "tactual maps of existing city of Yogyakarta, we help blind people to socialize because so far most of them are always accompanied when activity or traveling," said Latitude Wednesday (4/7).

Latitude tells us that there are tactual map is a map of the city of Yogyakarta. The initial idea development and use of tactual maps are the needs of persons with visual impairments in spatial navigation that requires a good understanding. Steps they have taken is the introduction of blind people and help related to spatial problems, such as the position where they are and where they will be going through tactual maps.

"With the limited sense of sight we try to help strengthen the function of hearing and their memories," said Lat. Socialization of tactual maps have been made and tested on ten blind people joined in PERTUNI member (Association of Blind People Indonesia) Branch Lahore. Tactual maps are more detailed information about the city of Yogyakarta.

"If the other more general maps, like maps or a map of the island of Java, Indonesia. While details such as this one where Malioboro or monument, etc., "said a student of Geography Faculty of 2008's. The trial of this map has been carried out for three months. The result, many testimonials from people with disabilities is quite helpful to the presence of tactual maps.

Blind Sonar

In addition to tactual maps, no more blind walk sonar as a tool for blind people. Blind sonar was developed by four students of the Department of Electrical Engineering of UGM. To five students, namely Apri Setiawan, Indra Budi Darmawan, Sugiarto, and Anam Bahr Ulum.N.

The tool developed is quite simple, more streamlined than the stick, as well as practical. According to the principle of blind Apri sonar is to assist blind people in the activity, especially when walking.

 "The principle is to help run because the tool is equipped with sensors. The sensors will vibrate when the goods or people close to within about one meter, "said Apri.

Tools developed through the Student Creativity Program for the field of community service is more safety than the stick used by blind people. In addition this tool can also be designed in a simpler form as the form of mobile phones.

 "No mas complicated. In the future development could be more simple and practical as mobile phones, for example, "explained the student's class 2008 in Electrical Engineering.

Blind sonar, said Apri, consisting of several elements such as ultrasonic sensors, batteries, microprocessor, motor vibration, and tool battery charger. Tool that is estimated to cost approximately two million this if mass produced could be reduced with a more affordable price.

 As well as tactual maps, sonar blind has also been tested with several blind people who joined the Foundation Mardi Wuto Eye Hospital dr. Yap. They also helped with the blind claimed that sonar