ENVI is a remote sensing software used for mengolahcitra from satellites. ENVI provides a range of software solutions forpengolahandan analysis of geospatial imagery used by scientists,researchers, analysts images, and GIS professionals worldwide.ENVI gambardan processing solution combines the latesttechnology with intuitive spectral image analysis, the use ofmudahuntuk help us get meaningful information from images. Envimake suatucitra can more easily read, explored, prepared,analyzed, and berbagiinformasi of imagery with which lain.ENVI4.6.1 is a product version of ENVI. This software is widely used byberbakai circles around the world. Actually, the price is expensiveinisangat software. Only advantage for us is, ENVI release the oldproduct version after creating a new product version. So, becauseENVI 4.6.2 telahkeluar, then ENVI ENVI release version 4.6.1. Socan diaksessecara ENVI 4.6.1 free market. Therefore, in this lab,this software ENVI 4.6.1 which shall be used