1. File Management Menu file in ENVI main menu is used to read the file into ENVI, set the options, to get out of ENVI, and program management functions & other files. 

2. Display Menagement Window menu to control the display and ENVI plot window, including starting a new window, maximize window size, connect the display window, and close the window. Available Bands List and Available Vectors List fatherly featuring bands and vector layers. Window menu is also used to display the cursor location information and the pixel values ​​in an image is displayed. 
3. Interactive Display Function Five whole menu appears on the Main Image window: File, Overlay, Enhance, Yools and Window. The menu is collectively called the Display menu bar and used to access common operations and functions of-function is interactive. 
4. Basic Tools Basic Tools to access the basic functions of ENVI. This function is usually helpful to know the specific type of image to be analyzed.Functions such as Region of Interest can be used on multiple displays, while functions such as the Band Math offers a general image processing capabilities. Stretch function data is an example of suatufungsi that offer file-to-file contrast stretching. 
5. Classification Classification menu for accessing ENVI classification functions, including supervised and unsupervised classification, collecting end members, previous rule classifying the image, calculating class statistics and the confusion matrices, the application of majority and minority to the classification image analysis, clumping and sieving classes, combining classes, the class overlay gray-scale image, calculate the area of ​​buffer / buffer, calculating segmentation and exporting classes to the vector layer. 
6. Transform Transform the image processing operation that converts the data into the data space to another, generally by applying a linear function. The general objective will increase the percentage change in the form of information. The image has been altered is usually easier to interpret than the original data. 
7. Filters Filters to implement Convulation menu, morphological, Texture, Adaptive, and FFT filtering. Filtering is specifically used to enhance the image of the image with the removal of certain spatial frequencies. Spatial frequency describes the veteran or DNA variation, with distance, and image contains many different spatial frequency. 
8. Spectral Spectral menus to access special tools to examine the multispectral and hyperspectral imagery and spectral data of other types. Tools include 7esampli, 7esampling and viewing spectral libraries; extracting slices / spectral slices; perform spectral math; determine spectral endmembers; visualization of spectral data in the (in) indimensions; spectral classification; non linear spectral mixing; matched filtering; continum removal, and spectral feature fitting. 
9. Folder Menu Map to access the image registration, orthorectification, geometric correction, and mosaicking. Also use the map to access the tools menu to convert the map coordinates and map projections, to construct the projection, to convert the ASCII coordinates, and to access a GPS-LINK utilities. 
10. Vector Vector menu to open the vector file, create a vector file, set the vector file, convert the raster image layer vector, convert the irregular grid points, and convert ENVI vector file (EVF), annotation files (ANN), and regions of interst (ROI) to the format DXF. 
11. Topographic Topographic menu to open, analyze, and output of digital topographic elevation data. Menggunakanlah modeling to calculate an overview topographic relief, slope, aspect / direction, and the various curves of the topographical data. 
12. Radar Radar menu to access the standards and advanced tool for analyzing radar images and the detection of advanced SAR systems such as fully polarimetric JPL AIRSAR and SIR-C system.ENVI can process the ERS-1, JERS-1, RADARSAT, SIR-C, XSAR, and AIRSAR data and the SAR dataset. In addition, ENVI is designed to handle the radar data that is distributed in the format CEOs, and can handle data from other radar systems. 

F. SPECIFICATIONS ENVI No. Specification Description Keteranagan Software Name ENVI GIS software that supports raster and vector file Version / release The latest version is version 4 Launched in 2003 Year launched version 4 Vendor / manufacturer Research Systems Inc.. (RSI) Vendor of GIS software Minimum hardware · Processor · RAM · VGA Card · Freespace Pentium x86 64 MB 32 bit 400 MB hard drive This software includes software that runs in DOS so that the required specifications are not too high. Operating System Windows NT, XP, 2000, Linux (red hat 7,8,9), Mac OS X, IBM AIX 5.1, Compaq thru 64 Unix 5.1, HP UX 11.0, SGI IRIX 6.5.1, Sun Solaris 8.9. Operating system that can be used for applications ENVI Category Software (GIS / RS / Other) GIS · Viewer IP · Professional This software into software professionals who have a complete IP features in one software, while for the GIS including the viewer as only a few formats and features of GIS-supported. Data Structures / File Raster and Vector Able to display raster format (with a limited format) raster formats are supported very much and support the latest satellite imagery, for example vector formats are supported *. shp Data Format / File Envi standard *. Envi *. meta Erdas *. PCI *. *. Arc view raster ASCII *. ENVI standard format Format meta The format of EDAs Format of PCI ArcView raster format Ascii format 10 Facilities in this software (core) · Input + editing · Processing · Output (layout) Import file, the original file classification, transform, filters, spectral tools, map tools, vector tools, Topographic tools, radar tools Print, export files Facilities supported by ENVI from the input, process to output. 11 Amenities package with a software program that integrates these IDL 6 To create a project in the ENVI 12 Format 1 / 0 *. Shp *. Bil *. Hdr *. Geo / tiff *. Hdf Beep *. *. Bsq The format of input data including the type of raster and vector type vector miasalnya *. shp *. EVF output, for input raster output *. bil standard ENVI 13 Special Facilities / More facilities