Map is a partial picture of the earth's surface in a smaller scale and contain any kind of information about mukabumi concerned.
General Map, which describes the earth's surface in general. Usually referred to as topographic maps or some call Topographic Map, as this map illustrates the "face" face of the earth, both physical reality (nature), such as mountains, valleys, rivers, and so on, as well as the appearance of such cultural settlements, roads, and so on. In simple terms a topographic map is a map which describes the appearance of almost all-natural appearance and the appearance of cultural (man-made) that is in the earth's surface scale as far as possible, and presented expeditiously as possible.
Special maps, which describe the special appearance at the earth's surface or appearance of which have anything to do with the earth's surface. This particular map is known as thematic maps because they show only a specific theme, depending on the information to be conveyed. If the information is the information of land, it is called soil maps, if the information is climate information, climate maps it is called, and so forth.
Navigation maps, which are usually referred to as special, ie charts. This map is a special use for the benefit of navigation, such as sea and air navigation.
Excerpts of the above is the notion of maps contained in the e-book How to Read and Use Maps are available free for download (download link at the end of this post). Benefits to be derived from reading maps to very diverse range of applications, the ability to read topographic maps that continue to be trained, one will be able to feel a variety of information that can benefit the individual or others, to hobbies or interests to support the work. With practice and hone skills in reading maps and navigation, so maybe someone find new methods are more practical and easier than those presented in this module.