this post will show you how to create KML files 3-dimensional (3D) data from the shapefile using the freeware SHP2KML to display in Google Earth. Shapefile data I use is the same data to show an example of using fusion to google shapefile conversion tables, population census results of 2010 in Central Jakarta.The end result of the example that I made this as shown in the picture above. Where to look 3D view of data such as population bar graph, with each sub-district boundaries appear below. That looks like a bar graph is a polygon shapefile format from the centroid in each district. The shapefile is in the process of using a freeware 3D KML SHP2KML to be, while the district boundary is a two-dimensional shapes are also created using the same application.
OK, the following steps to create a 3D KML from shapefile data using freeware SHP2KML.
Specify shapefile data input and system coordinates. It is strongly recommended you use the unit shapefile Geographic (Lat / Long). Click Next.
Here you set the display when the mouse will hold to its features, information from attribute columns in which you want to perform, as well as determining the choice of the color feature that will automatically change to follow the movement of the mouse (if it displays the label roll over). For the symbology you can specify unique value based on a specific column (of type string or numeric) or a single symbol or Graduate Value based on a column of type numeric.
Here you set the color of your choice prior symbology. You can adjust the color by clicking the default colors available.
This stage you set what columns you want in the show feature when clicked by the user which will perform a balloon as shown in the picture at the top (data Kecataman Cempaka Putih). You also can set the background color and font color table as you wish.
At this stage you can fill the layer title and description. The most important thing at this stage is that the 3D settings in the Options. Make sure the 3D option in check, then it adalaha Altitude Mode Relative to Ground, and select Field Value in accordance with the data you want visualized as three-dimensional shapes. Finally, set the value on the field Factor. In this example, I am content 0.01 or one hundredth of the value of his data so that the resulting 3-dimensional shape is not too high.
Click Create or Create and Open KML for display in Google Earth directly. The result as shown in the picture above this post.
You can also create sub-district boundary with the polygon into 3D format as shown below. Which is more interesting and informative do you think?
OK, the following steps to create a 3D KML from shapefile data using freeware SHP2KML.
Specify shapefile data input and system coordinates. It is strongly recommended you use the unit shapefile Geographic (Lat / Long). Click Next.
Here you set the display when the mouse will hold to its features, information from attribute columns in which you want to perform, as well as determining the choice of the color feature that will automatically change to follow the movement of the mouse (if it displays the label roll over). For the symbology you can specify unique value based on a specific column (of type string or numeric) or a single symbol or Graduate Value based on a column of type numeric.
Here you set the color of your choice prior symbology. You can adjust the color by clicking the default colors available.
This stage you set what columns you want in the show feature when clicked by the user which will perform a balloon as shown in the picture at the top (data Kecataman Cempaka Putih). You also can set the background color and font color table as you wish.
At this stage you can fill the layer title and description. The most important thing at this stage is that the 3D settings in the Options. Make sure the 3D option in check, then it adalaha Altitude Mode Relative to Ground, and select Field Value in accordance with the data you want visualized as three-dimensional shapes. Finally, set the value on the field Factor. In this example, I am content 0.01 or one hundredth of the value of his data so that the resulting 3-dimensional shape is not too high.
Click Create or Create and Open KML for display in Google Earth directly. The result as shown in the picture above this post.
You can also create sub-district boundary with the polygon into 3D format as shown below. Which is more interesting and informative do you think?