Spatial Analysis Determining the Place of Hiding Osama bin Laden Professor of Geography University of California-Los Angeles (UCLA) Thomas Gillespie and John Agnew, using spatial analysisto determine the hiding place of Osama bin Laden. They makemodels of the terrorist leader's quest to use the same technique totrack the animals and migratory patterns.

Credit: MIT International Review
A number of biological models can be very useful in finding Osamabin Laden.Pertama called the theory of distance decay (DD). This theory describes the effect on the cultural distance or spatialinteractions. The possibility of finding other animals decreasedexponentially when going further from the residence.

Both called the Island Biogeography (IB), this theory refers to thearea of ​​habitat surrounded by a region uninhabitable.

Through both ways, information about a particular animal will be narrowed on the animals could be found. Through DD, bin Laden is known will not go far from the last place he had known. Through theIB, bin Laden is known to be most likely to be found in big cities.