ST-Links Spatial Kit

ST-Links ArcGIS Spatial Kit is a free extension to connect to a PostGIS spatial database (PostgreSQL), SQL Server 2008/2008 R2, Oracle or MySQL without the required licenses ArcSDE. ST-Spatial Links Kit formerly named ST-Links PgMap.

ST-Spatial Links Kit version 3.0.4 is currently available for ArcGIS 10 (last update on October 21, 2011) and Spatial Kit version 3.0.3 for users of ArcGIS 9.3. SpatialKit This replaces the previous version 3.0.x which is still named PgMap and QMap.
Here are the features on the ST-Spatial Links Kit:
Work with Postgresql / PostGIS, SQL Server 2008 / 2008 R2 spatial databases
Seamlessly integrates with ArcMap
Use spatial tables and / or views as ArcMap feature layers
Edit spatial database tables / views within ArcMap Editing Session
Support multi-connections, m
ulti-databases, and Various database systems
Persisting connections and layer information in map documents, and layer files
Align the reference spatial identity codes with ArcMap spatial references
Support custom coordinate systems
Support SQL Server Geometry, Geography, Geometry and PostGIS data types
Support 2D, 3D, and 4D (Z values, and M values)
Support Cross Schemas in Spatial Databases
Provide view extents and attribute settings for filtering query spatial data while mapping
Provide conversion and loading functions for spatial databases feature classes and tables
Compatible with all database functionalities and business data models
Help you centralize your spatial data in one format for different platforms and applications
Help you centralize your spatial data with enterprise business databases